|Shh| Sebastian Stan X Reader

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This is dedicated to @avengerlocked

Thanks for the submission!

Chris's P.O.V

After years of working hard and studying, I've made it. College is going to be a blast! I'm going to have my family close by, and I'll be rooming with my best friend. Tonight, Sebastian and I, we're hosting a congratulations for getting into a college party.

All of our best buds are invited like Mackie, Chase, Grillo, Scarlet, Emily, Elizabeth, Jeremy, Robert... all that gang.

There's going to be booze, chips and loud music. But no drugs, we don't roll that way. Sebastian and I are the youngest of our friends. They're all in college already and have a steady routine going.

My phone buzzed in my pocket as I pushed the cart around the store. I stopped, pulling it out and checking to see who it was.

Sebastian: Can't wait for tonight! Are you getting the food?

I typed a quick; Yes, be home in half an hour. We recently had gotten our own apartment and filled it with all sorts of furniture.

At first, you could tell it was two guys living there; plain walls, no decor, limited bedding, and dishes.

But after Scott and (Y/N), Chris's siblings, stopped by when Sebastian was away, they whipped that place up into shape. Both of them on their knee's, scrubbing the floors with sponges. Chris offered help but they always declined, because they knew how clumsy he was.

After they had cleaned the place spotless, they had gone to IKEA and had bought lamps, duvets, paintings and all those little things that made it feel more like home.

I grab several chip bags, throwing them into the basket, along with many types of dips. I got weird looks from a few people, but I seriously don't care.

I push through a few more aisles, grabbing soft drinks, a little bit of chocolate for myself and some fruit platters. Sebastian is on a beer run right now, tonight is going to be so much fun.

I wait in line, which is not too long. I pull out my phone checking my three missed messages.

Mom: Need any help with anything?

(Y/N): Chris, Scott is expecting to hook up with a guy. Please tell him to dress normally!!! He's planning on wearing some sorta one-piece suit thingy!!1 Hello EMBARRASSING.

Sebastian: Yay.

I sigh a pinch the bridge of my nose. "Dammit Scott," I mumbled under my breath. I replied to (Y/N), telling her that I'd talk to Scott.

I quickly pay, grabbing the bags in my hands, discarding the offered cart. I walk to my car placing the plastic bags in the passenger seat and drive to our apartment.

Obviously, I blast Disney tunes. When I stop at the red light, people give me weird looks when I belt out to Let it go. It's a real chick magnet.

I arrive at our 'home', parking in my designated spot. I grab all the bags again and rush into the elevator because I can feel the cheap plastic ripping and two trips are for pussys.

Walking down the hall of the fourth floor, I stop at our door and open it with my keys. "Hey!" I hear Sebastian calling out from the couch, as I stumble through the doors with the bags, that are now ripped open.

"Ah shit." I sigh, closing the door with my foot and bending over to grab the stuff. "Here, let me help," Sebastian said, crouching down helping me pick up the stuff. "Thanks, man," I say, placing the items on the counter.

CHRIS EVANS & SEBASTIAN STAN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now