Good old reliable | Chris Evans X Reader

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You fidgeted with your parent's wedding rings that hung from your golden necklace. Lying on your bed, suffering from boredom on a hot sunny night in L.A. Your room glowed of yellow, as the sun was setting.  The peeping horns from outside, was the only noise that could be heard.

The house was empty, your mother and her new boyfriend had gone out last night and were still not home yet; nothing new. The apartment never felt cheerful and happy when they were around anyways. 

You could've thrown parties like any teenager would do while they weren't there, or even run away. But you didn't, you stayed put, and did as you were told. Ever since your dad died you've changed. You were less passionate about the things that you used to be. You didn't care about anyone anymore. You were numb. 

 Mathematics didn't even sound appealing anymore, you used to be a Straight A student, and now you were just on the line of failing. That's what happens when you lack sleep and let stress take over your life. 

You lived in an apartment complex in downtown Los Angeles behind a bar. It was okay quality but that didn't matter. Your neighbors were nice, there was the stereotypical old lady under your floor who would always give you apples when you were on your way to school. But there was one in particular that you liked. He was a middle-aged man, single and an architect.

 His name was Chris, you were extremely close with him ever since you were fourteen. He was the only mature adult figure in your life at the moment. The two of you were good friends, even though the age gap was questionable. 

You talked about everything and anything with him. He was the only reason why you hadn't ran away yet. You liked to have him around.

Your phone buzzed from your side. Frantically, you picked it up to see who it was; 

Chris Evans 

-Hey, I'm home and making supper. I know your mom isn't there, care to join? 7:54 PM 

Your mood immediately changed, a smile settled onto your lips. 

(Y/N) (Y/L/N)

-Be there in 15! 7:55 PM 

You got up from your bed, socked feet hitting the wooden floorboards. Quickly changing into a jean blouse with a white tank top under and ripped skinny jeans, you glanced in the mirror, satisfied with your ensemble.

You strutted into your bathroom, splashing some water in your face and threw your hair into a messy ponytail.  You lightly applied some foundation, concealer, and mascara and sprayed some perfume on to tie your appearance together. 

Grabbing your phone, you slipped on your black flats and walked out the door, making two lefts and finally arriving at his door. 

You knocked twice and waited a few seconds before being greeted by the handsome brunette. "Hey (Y/N), come in." He rasped opening the door wider for you. The smell of stir fry filled your nostrils. "Mmmh, smells good Chris!" You walked in the familiar territory. 

Chris's apartment was modern, obviously, he was an architect. His floors were dark oak, his furniture was black leather and his appliances were only the newest of things. Also, somehow his place always smelled like vanilla; odd. 

"How was your day?" You asked sitting on his rolling chair, at his office in the living room. You scanned his blueprints, another small smile played onto your features. "Tiring, they rejected my plan for the hotel I told you about." He sighed, adding some sauce in the frying pan. "Oh yeah? The 'casino meets the four seasons' hotel right?" You peaked with interest. "That's the one," Chris said. "I really liked that one, I helped you with it too." You frowned. 

"They want me to add more than a dozen other rooms plus a water park. I'm going to need to schedule some time management." He scrunched his eyebrows together. "But that's just work, other than that my day was fine, thank you." He smiled. 


The both of you were done eating, and now you were watching The Hunger Games but not really focusing on it, more so talking. 

"Chris, I don't want to live at my house anymore." You said. "What?" He jutted, placing down his scotch. "I'm miserable there." You sighed. "(Y/N), you're eighteen. You can move out if you want to," He said, placing a reassuring hand on your thigh. "I know Chris, but I'm scared. I'm still going to school and I don't know where to stay and it's just- ugh, so frustrating." You toyed with the cuffs of your jacket. 

A silence settled between the two of you. He was thinking, you could see it in his eyes. "Why don't you come and stay with me? I've got plenty of room." He offered. "Oh Chris, I couldn't. I'd be such a bother." You flat out lied. "(Y/N)...Just think about it. You don't have to do it now, but when I move apartments in a couple months you can come stay with me for as long as you like." His eyes glimmered with generosity. "Think of it as a long sleepover at Chris's, yeah?" He tried to lighten the mood but failed. 

"I'll think about it." You payed your attention to the television. 


"Fuck you, you little-spoiled slut!" Your mom drunkenly threw her vodka bottle at you. It shattered on the kitchen table as you ran into your room quickly, grabbing your suitcase. You had just confronted your parents that you were moving with Chris to Nevada. Obviously, they didn't take it well. 

You locked the door hurriedly, stuffing a chair under the handle for reassurance. You threw your heavy purple suitcase on your bed, unzipping it. You quickly padded to your closet grabbing all of your clothes and throwing them nonchalantly in the suitcase. You stuffed your curling and flat irons, your shoes, makeup, books, savings and everything you thought that you might want. You zipped it snugly, it was at its full capacity. You grabbed your phone from your back pocket, texting Chris a quick "I'm ready."

You said goodbye to your room and opened your window, crawling out onto the metallic balcony. Chris was standing there under the fire escape ladder, he pulled it down for you and you crawled to the bottom with your bag. "Hurry, she probably busted down my door by now," You said, hopping into his convertible. 

As soon as you were both buckled up, he speeded away to Nevada with the U-Haul following behind.   

From there your new life began... 


GONQFLEGwngleg;ljBR'G';NKTJHEPOT3J2POJG..... Gifted was such a good movie. 

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