|Come home| Sebastian X Reader

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Warning: Well... there's stackie
Summary: He's been a bad boy

You waited patiently by the window, seated on your couch and phone in hand. You watched the car headlights passing by in the dark, looking for his grey Mustang. He told you he would be back around ten and it was currently two in the morning.

This wasn't the first time he left you worrying. It had happened a few times and when he would get home he'd usually be high on something, muttering words in Romanian.

He wasn't a drug addict, but he wouldn't refuse an offer. You tried not to mind, as long he wouldn't get in trouble or overdose.

You checked your phone every two minutes, hoping for a sign of him. Even though you didn't feel a vibration or hear a noise you checked anyways.

"He's just four hours late, it's not that bad, right?" You repeatedly asked yourself. Sebastian was usually responsible, but he's slipped up a few times. Which was perfectly normal... right?

You check your phone again; nothing.

You slide and unlock, opening the messenger app and clicking on Grillo's number.

(Y/N): Hey Grillo! Having a fun time? Can you tell Sebastian to call me? That would be great, thanks.

You shut off your phone, looking out the window again. On a Saturday night, you were at home waiting for your boyfriend: just great. You yawn loudly, raking a hand through your hair, tugging at the roots slightly in distress.

The house was quiet, only the sound of the dishwasher could be heard. It was dark too, only the dimmed lights of the kitchen and a lamp were on. Your collie, Max, had come and laid down beside you, whimpering softly.

"I know, you miss daddy. I do too." You gently pat her head. Your phone vibrated on your thigh, you immediately grabbed it. It was Chris calling, you answer.

"Hello?" You held the phone up to your ear. "Hey, (Y/N)." He spoke, there was music blasting in the background. "Chris! Is everything going okay?" You asked, still looking out the window. "Uhhhhh... Sebastian passed out." He chuckled. "For how long?" You breathed out. "Uhhhh... it's been like an' hour or two." His Boston accent was thick.

"I'll go get him. Where are you guys?" You got up, grabbing your keys and purse. "We're at uhhhhh.... wait." He held the phone to his chest as he spoke to someone. "We are at a bar called Portrait of Bay, haha."

You could see his slow blinking and toothy smile through the phone. You chuckled. "Alright, I'll be there in fifteen minutes, bye!" You sighed, turning off your phone and slipping it into your pocket.

You grabbed your jacket and walked out the door, hopping into your car. You turned it on, buckled your belt and drove to the bar. There was a bit of traffic, but nothing you haven't seen before.

You searched downtown for the bar, the sidewalks were filled with drunk people. You then spotted a brick building with illuminated letters that spelled out Portrait of Bay. You parked by the nearest parking meter and walked inside.

The smell of weed, booze and sex floated in the air. You crinkled your nose, searching through the crowd to find a familiar face. You passed by many intoxicated people and reached the bar. Tending the customer, a dark male was dressed in a black button-down with wild hair.

"Hey, what can I get ya'?" He asked, propping a glass on the counter. "Could you tell me if there's a Chris nearby?" You awkwardly shouted over the loud music. He made a face and tapped his chin.

"Muscles and a beard?" He lifted a brow. You nodded frantically. "Yeah, he's sitting at the tables with his buddies over there." He pointed. You thanked him and went to Chris, who was now plastered.

"Oh! Hey, guys, it's (Y/N)!" He smiled and pointed you, they all cheered drunkenly. You chuckled and blushed. "Hey Chris, uhhhh where's Sebastian?" You looked around, he wasn't seated at the table. "Right, he's with Mackie." He pointed at the dance floor. You sighed and gave his shoulder a pat. "Thanks."

You then squeezed in the crowd of people, searching for your boyfriend and his best friend. You walked by some slutty girls dressed in mini skirts and no underwear, some people that were laughing so hard that they fell and some really old people.i

But then you spotted the back of Mackie's head. He was dancing with someone you couldn't identify yet. You came closer and closer then you realized it was Sebastian that he was dancing with; turns out he didn't pass out. They grinded against each other dirtily, facing and lips inches apart. You muttered a 'what?' to yourself as you were about to tap Sebastian's shoulder.

But stopped yourself immediately as they kissed. You gasp silently, watching the world freeze in place. Sebastian was comfortable with men, but this was new.

You get snapped out of your daze by someone who stumbles into you and muttered a 'get out the way bitch'. You then tapped his shoulder, forcing him to break the kiss. He whipped his head toward you, looking awful.

"Oh! Hi (Y/N)!!" He shouted happily, hugging you. You didn't return it. He pulled away, eyelids heavy and a tired smile on his lips. "We gonna go home, dragul meu?" He mixed the languages. "Yeah, come on Seb, Mackie you too." You took both their hands leading them towards Chris.

He was in mid-conversation with Grillo who was drunk as well, but you interrupted; "Hey Chris, Grillo, need a drive home?" You asked. They just shared a look and nodded. You made them all hold hands as you led them out the bar like children. They just laughed and said bye to everyone who passed by.

You seated them in your SUV, Mackie Chris, and Grillo in the back and Sebastian in the passenger side. They laughed and talked about who knows what during your trip to Chris's house.

You just laughed along with them, because hey, they were drunk and weren't making any sense. "The clown, fucking scares me," Chris said. "Mmm yeah, he looked like Jesus." Grillo was grinning madly. "Who are you guys talking about?" You asked.

"Leto and Jared." Mackie blinked slowly. You let out a laugh, pulling in Evans's driveway. "Alrighty, Grillo where do you live?" You asked. "Mmm, I'll stay here." The brunette laughed getting out of the car with Chris. "Chris is that okay?" You asked, rolling down the window.

"It's all good'." He grinned, closing the backseat door. "Bye!" They slurred in unison. "Bye! Be safe!" You shouted, rolling up your window and driving out. "Alright, Mackie, where do you live?" You asked; no answer.

"Mackie?" You looked in the mirror. He was passed out. "Dammit, Sebastian, do you know where he lives sweetie?" You asked softly. "Nah, he's super secretive." He laughed at his statement.

"Okay, well I guess we're having a sleepover then." You pressed your lips in a tight line, driving back home. "Ahhhhh... we had fun." Sebastian bit his lip. "Did you now?" You asked, focusing on the road.

"Aw yeah! Some fucker gave us some speed!" He grinned excitedly. "And how's that working out for you?" You joked. "Real good, I could run a marathon and win!" He laughed and clapped his hands.

You just rolled your eyes and made it back home. You had to wake Mackie up, drag him on your couch, where he fell asleep right there and then.

You also had to convince Sebastian to not have sex next to Mackie's head and instead, go to sleep.

That night you slept easily, but the dream wasn't so easy. You dreamed about Stackie becoming true, which made you feel uncomfortable, but got immediate reassurance when Sebastian slurred an 'I love you.'

I gave up at the end

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