|Unwanted roommate| Reader X Sebastian Stan

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You were seated at your window area, head against the glass panes, watching the rainfall, drop by drop. In your hands, you held your favourite mug containing some freshly brewed coffee. The music of your SoundCloud playlist filled your ears with great delight.

It was a peaceful morning in your New York apartment.

Your cat Fred was purring softly at your feet curled up in that throw blanket you loved so much. You gave him a pet, letting his orange hair slip between your fingers.

"Cutie." You smiled, speaking to Fred. The tabby simply let out a yawn and continued purring. You chuckled softly, getting up to make your way to the kitchen.

You place your mug in the sink, rinsing it and letting it dry on the counter. You were a neat person, which was a huge contrast compared to when you were younger.

The apartment was tranquil, it was nice for a change. You didn't have Seb banging on his drums, or playing the piano. You walk into your bedroom, getting dressed for the day. Choosing a simple sweater with leggings matched by a long necklace. Grabbing your phone and keys, you put on your coat and scarf, ready to go buy your routinely Starbucks.

You step out and immediately get greeted by a friendly smile. "Hey (Y/N)." Tom grinned with glee. "Tom! You're back," You smiled, hugging the tall man. "I landed last night around eleven. I'm home for two months now," He chuckled, pulling away.

"That's good! Taylor must be happy to see that your back." You smiled. His features faltered, a small smile turned into a neutral face; the wrong topic?

"Taylor and I aren't together anymore, that's why I'm here. I'm getting my things out of her apartment." He said calmly. You cover your mouth in shock, eyebrows shooting up into your hairline. "I'm so sorry Tom! I had no idea, where are you going to stay?" Your eyes were glossy, generally concerned for your dear friend.

"That's what I have yet to figure out, we broke up last night." He leaned against the wall, sighing. "Come stay with me! Sebastian isn't coming home until three months from now. There's plenty of room for you and honestly, I could need some company." You offered with open arms.

He stayed quiet for a few, tapping his chin theatrically. "If it's not a bother-" "It is not a bother Tom," You cut him off, grinning widely. He smiled to himself, quietly. Pulling out Taylor's apartment keys and unlocking the door. "I'll be back in a half-hour." He said before entering.


You skipped downtown joyfully, one of your very good friends, Tom Hiddleston was going to be living with you for a few months. You were a little tired of being alone at the apartment for nine months, especially when Sebastian was in another state.

You arrived at your local Starbucks, opening the door for an elderly woman. "Thank you," She smiled gleefully. "No problem mam'." You said, entering the familiar coffee shop. Quickly, you padded to the counter, craving your daily beverage.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The boy at the counter cracked. He knew who you were and he was indeed a big fan. "Hi, can I have an Iced Vanilla Cappuccino, please?" You politely asked. "Coming right up (Y/N)!" The thirteen-year-old boy chirped.

In minutes, you had your coffee in your hand. You paid a five-dollar tip and left the building.


There was a knock at your door. "Coming," You shouted, strutting towards the front door. You opened it to see Tom with four boxes full of things. "Hello," He grinned cheekily. "Hello, stranger." You smiled back, stepping aside and opening the door wider for him to pass. "Thank you." He followed you inside as you close the door.

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