New town, New Girl

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This chapters song: Uptown girl

Edited: April 14, 2017 at 1:12pm
Fay's pov

I was almost to my destination. After living in Starling City for so long I was ready for a change of scenery.

"Mrs. Holiday we have arrived" Said my Driver.

"Thank you Mr. Diggle and please watch my siblings for me" I say as I grab my suitcase and walk up to the Mansion size house owned by my Aunt Amber Holiday-Burn. Right when I'm about to knock on the door it opens.

"Fay darling please come in" says my aunt from some where in the house.

"Aunt Amber where are you exactly" I ask as I put my suitcase down near the door. I entered the living room and saw my aunt knitting.

"There's my little sugar cube" she said putting down her ball of yarn.

"Auntie Amber I told you I'm not a sugar cube" I told her crossing my arms.

"I know but it suits you and only I call you that" she says.

"Fine" I chuckle as I uncross arms.

"Now where's my hello hug" she asks holding her arms open.

"Right here" I say as I hug her.

"You've had a long day now let me show you to your room" she says walking to an elevator.

"Okay" I say while following her.

~after multiple twists and turns~

"This is your room sugar cube" she says opening the door. "My room is just down the hall is you ever need me" she says walking to her room.

"Okay" I say before she entered her room. Let's see how it's decorated. I enter my room see it has White walls, a queen sized bed with zebra print sheets and a horse styled quilt, a polar bear white carpet, a birch desk with my electric blue laptop, and a bay window. Might as well unpack since I'm stuck living here. I start putting cloths up in the closet from shirts to plants to dresses all in the order of the rainbow.

"So there is a new person living here" says a voice from the door.

"Yeah I am. Who are you" I ask.

"I'm..." He starts but gets cut off by my aunt.

"Dinners ready so you can introduce yourselves later" she says as she walks in the direction of the kitchen.

"I'm guessing you haven't been here that long so I'll show you the way" he says as he walks away with me on his heels.

"Here we are My'lady" he says in a horrible British accent.

"Thank you" I say as I sit to the right of my aunt.

"How's your room sugar cube" she asks

"it's perfect" I reply before I start eating.

"You start school on Wednesday" she says. Okay so if it's Monday then I start school in 2 days.

"So in two days then" I say

"yep" she answers. After dinner we all go to our rooms.

"night sugar cube" she says before entering her room.
I enter my room and change in to a blue tank top and some sweats.

"Night Oliver and Thea" I whisper yo myself before falling asleep.

How was that for a first chapter??? I'll update when ever I can my Watermelons.

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