Lima Bean time

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Fay's pov

I sit in English and it seams to me that I'm the only one paying attention. Of course  I'm the only one who is actually listening.  I pull out my drawing journal and start to doodle in it. After a while of doodling the teacher starts randomly calling on people to say a line from Romeo and Juliet in the front of the class since none was paying any attention to what he was teaching. After a while he picked me, I didn't feel like getting up cause of my stage fright so I stayed in my seat and said no. 

"Fay Holiday you will come up here and say a line form Romeo and Juliet right this instance" said Mr. Young with a smirk on his face thinking that would get me up.

"Mr. Young I thought I told you no. You can not make anyone do something they do not want to do. That is just not how life works. Yes you may be the teacher but the student is the next generation of jobs and things. If I say no then I mean it." I tell him before going back to doodling in my journal. I glance at him from the corner of my eye to see that he is very mad. Sebastian comes over to me and mentions how no one stands up to him or i think he says that I just ignore him and continue to doodle.

I check the time on my watch that way I know when to start packing my stuff up so I can be ready to do nothing next hour. My watch says we have 12 minutes till the bell rings so I decide to continue to doodle. At about 8 minutes left of class a wadded up ball of paper lands on my desk. I un-crumble it all the way and read 'come with me next hour. I wanna show you one of our hangout spots - Sebastian' 'Well I guess I am doing something next hour' I think before crumbling up the paper so I'm ready to throw it away after class. 8 minutes pass and the bell finally rings signalling class is finally over. I throw away the paper as I walk out the door, I look around for Sebastian before finally finding him. I walk through the crowded hall.

"Hey Sebastian wait up" I say as I make my way over to him. We walk to my Aunts office and Sebastian tells her where we are going. We leave the school and go to the parking lot where we see Sebastian's silver Porsche 911. We drive for a while before finally arriving at a coffee place called The Lima Bean. We go inside and sit down at a table. Sebastian offers to get us coffee so I say "Thanks Seb. I would like a light roast, iced coffee with caramel and vanilla" I blush a little when I realize I called him Seb but I play it off by looking through my wallet so I can hand him some money for my drink.

"Fay keep your money. Your new so I'm willing to pay for yours" Sebastian says either ignoring the fact of I called him Seb or he didn't catch me saying it. I put my money away as I see him walk to the line. Since I'm stuck waiting by myself I decide to look around a bit. As I'm looking at the place I notice some other kids in the Dalton Academy's blazer with some kids wearing normal clothes. It's not long before Sebastian comes back with our coffee and he notices the other kids as well. We drink our coffee in peace before a girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and a goody girl outfit comes over to us along with some other people.

"Hi I'm Rachel Berry and I noticed you were sitting here with Sebastian. What did he do to make you hangout with him" She introduces herself then asks me with a glare at Sebastian.

"I choose to hangout with Seb of my own free will. He has been the nicest person to me since I moved here a couple days ago." I tell her leaving out my name. Most people know me by name since I am the famous Oliver Queens adopted little sister. I hate when people try to be friends with me because of who my family is. 

"wait a second... you choose to be here with him. and your new here" She asks with a dumb founded look on her face. One of her friends whispers something to her but because of my secret I'm able to hear what they say.

"Yes and yes. I am new and i choose to. And to answer your friends question about why I'm wearing the Dalton Academy uniform its because I go there." I say as I cross my arms over my chest. It takes me a bit but I notice how Sebastian hasn't said anything this entire time so I turn to look at him and I notice he has a slight blush across his cheeks. He looks to be lost in thought so I let him be for now. I look back at Rachel to notice She and her friends are gone now.

"Hey Seb it was nice of you to bring me here but can we go back to the school  now" I ask as I turn my attention back to Sebastian. After meeting Rachel all I wanna do is go back to school so I can get this day over with. " We can always come back some other day Seb" I tell him hoping he'll be convinced since I can't leave without him.

"Yeah Fay come on lets go." He says as he throws away the trash before offering me a hand to help me get out of my seat. I take his hand and we walk out side to the car. He opens the door for me and I get in. We start the drive back to school in silence but we slowly start talking about random things. "So Fay besides your first encounter with Rachel how did you like The Lima Bean" Seb asks me as we pull back into the schools parking lot.

"It was nice Seb. Thank you for taking me. We have to go again sometime okay." I tell him as he parks the car and we start getting out. As we walk to our next class we don't notice that we are walking hand in hand.

1095 words guys. Sorry this chapter is late but I've been having trouble thinking of what to write. well anyways here's the new chapter my fox pups. enjoy and I'll see you pups in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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