Latin and lunch

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Fay's pov

After music Sebastian walked me to Latin before going to his Spanish class.

"I'll come and get you after class" he said before walking off and I walked into the classroom. I went and picked a seat in the back of the class where I thought no one sat, little did I know that was the worst spot to choose.

A little while after the tardy bell rang I heard the door open. I didn't look up to see who it was since I was drawing a picture of the school from the outside. I looked up once I heard the footsteps stop next to me.

"What are you doing in my seat girl" said a guy who looked like he could be the school's number one bad boy.

"Um I'm sitting in the desk duh" I said before going back to drawing.

"And what ugly thing are you drawing" he says as he makes a reaching motion to grab by sketchbook.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I say without looking up.

"And what makes you think that you can boss me around" he says right before taking my sketchbook.

"Well you called your own school ugly and . . ." I say before getting cut off by the growl that is starting to form in the back of my throat.

"Oh look little girls to scared to finish her threat" he says with his stupid little smirk.

"That's it." I say while my eyes turn electric blue and my teeth start to sharpen. Aunty Amber calls over the intercalm for me to go to her office right away. Saved by the bell I guess I get up, grab my stuff, and quickly run out of the classroom and to my aunt's office.

"Fay would you like to skip the rest of Latin and go to the cafeteria early that you can calm down" she asks the second I enter her office.

"Yes please miss" I say with my head down, hood up, and gloves on. I put my gloves and hood on as I was running here that way no one would see anything.

I sat in the cafeteria at one of the tables near the table were the Warblers sit. The bell rang signaling that Latin was over so I took out my sketchbook and went back to drawing. Sebastian sat next to me while giving me an apple.

I lightly pushed it back as I mumbled that I wasn't hungry before going back to drawing.
After I finished drawing the school I drew me just with my wolf features.

Sorry it's so short

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