Gym is a pain in the rear

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Edited: April 14, 2017 at 2:14pm

Fay's pov

After I had gotten ready for Gym I walked into the Gym and noticed Sebastian in a corner. Okay Fay nothing to fear, it's just Gym you can do it. I kept on replaying those words in my mind till I got to Sebastian.

"Hey Sebastian" I say when I get to him.

"Wow" is all he replies. I was wearing blue spandex shorts, a tank top, and blue tennis shoes.

"Um Sebastian are you okay" I ask him.

"yeah I'm okay" he says snapping out of his trance.

"Now that there's a girl in this class all boys will have to be nice to her" Coach says as boys start cat calling to me.

"Now boys I know I'm a girl but I want you to treat me like I'm one of the guys" I say.

"Okay so today we'll be playing dodgeball"  Coach says as the boys start cheering, well all boys except one, Sebastian.

"Sebastian don't you wanna play dodgeball" One of the guys ask him.

"Jeff have you ever noticed that when we play dodgeball someone always gets hurt" Sebastian replies with a duh kind of tone.

"Oh yeah" is all Jeff says in a sad way.

"Can I guess that is always someone from the glee club" I but in.

"Ah" squeaks Jeff not realizing that I was still standing there.

"yes Fay it is always the glee members" Sebastian replies.

"Not anymore boys" I say with a smirk as I walk up to Coach.

Sebastian's pov

"Not anymore boys" Fay says with a smirk before she walks up to Coach.

"Um what was that" Jeff says staring at Fay and Coach.

"Pretty sure she doesn't like the way people treat glee members" I say as she comes back over here.

"Who's ready to play ball" she asks with that adorable smirk of hers, no Sebastian you can not think like that, she's the headmasters niece for crying out loud

"so You'll pick a partner then I'll pair up partners till we have our two teams" coach says. "Rules are just like always, no head shots, once you get out one of your team members has to catch a ball to get you back in, and no starting till you hear or see the sign" he finishes talking so everyone starts picking partners.

"Touch me and you'll regret it" I hear Fay growl to someone.

"Hey Sebastian wanna be my partner" she asks with an innocent smile.

"Sure just remember to have fun okay" I say

"now I want all the glee members on one team and everyone else on the other team" Coach says taking everyone by surprise. I look down at Fay and see she has a smirk on her face.

"Hurry up ya slower than turtles" Fay says as she marches her way over to the side with glee members.

"Okay so here's the plan" Fay starts saying "just let me handle all the good guys on their side and make sure no one gets hurt" she says with her smirk.

Fay's pov

". . . and make sure no one gets hurt" I finish saying with a smirk on my face. Once the game begins dodgeballs go flying everywhere. I start to seek or my victims... um I mean targets to take out of the game. I looked over to the side and saw the good players from our side already out. Okay that's it you've done it now. Be ready to lose ya stinking haters just as I'm about to throw a ball I see one headed to me so I jump up and catch it.

"Ya aren't getting rid of me that easily" I say before I get a good a amount of people out from their side.

"The winner of today's dodgeball game is. . . The Justice League" (the Justice league is the glee team) says Coach after the game finishes.

"You now have 5 minutes to change before the bell rings" with that being said everyone goes to the boys locker room to change. I get dressed in the Coach's office before joining Sebastian.

Hope ya like this chapter. I don't have wifi so I'm using my friends wifi for the time being. That's why chapters might be more spaced out.

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