New School Means New Adventures

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Edited: April 14, 2017 at 2:11pm

Fay's pov





I swung my legs over the side of my bed great I start school today After grabbing my outfit for the day I got in the shower and washed my hair with watermelon shampoo and conditioner. For school I wore a black top with red stars, and black pants with black and red converse.

"Fay if you wanna be on time then you gotta leave now" says Auntie Amber.

"I'm ready to go just waiting on my ride" I say as I open the door to see my aunt wearing Black pants, and a red top with a black blazer and red and black heels.

"I'm guessing you work at Dalton so that's why I'm going there instead of McKinley" I say grabbing my bag and closing the door.

"Wow how did you know that" she asks standing there dumbfounded.

"I can tell by your outfit and the way you said I'd be late if I didn't get ready soon." I explain walking through the house and into the garage.

"Don't worry you'll love Dalton academy sugar cube" Auntie Amber says as she starts up the car.

After we got to the school Ms. Burn (Ms. Burn is Auntie Amber so no one confused) went ahead and got my schedule and a student to show me around.

"Now Fay promise me you'll be a good girl" Auntie Amber said before a boy with short light brown hair and green eyes, the Dalton uniform, and a Disney Prince hair cut walked in.

"Hello Ms. Burn you wanted to see me" he said curious.

"Ah good your here, I would like you to show our new student around" she says gesturing to me with her hands.

"Of course ma'am" he said politely. "I'm Sebastian Smythe. It's nice to meet you" he said as we walked out of Ms. Burns office.

"I'm Fay Holiday. It's nice to meet you to Sebastian" I said with a smile.

"Let me see your schedule Fay" he says holding out his hand "okie dokie" I say as I hand it to him.

"We have all classes together except for Latin" he says. When I have Latin he has Spanish.

My schedule:
1st: Gym
2nd: Music
3rd: Math
4th: Latin
5th: English
Pride time: free period
6th: Biology
7th: American History

As we start walking to Gym we get stopped by a group of boys.

"who's the pretty lady" says one.

"surely your lost or something since this is an all boys school" says another.

"Wow you have no skill" I say as we continue to walk to Gym. "Hey Sebastian how an I suppose to change. I don't think there's a girl changing room. Or bathroom for that matter" I say

"we'll see when we get there" he says. Hip hip heza. When we got there the teacher looked pretty surprised to see a girl student.

"Excuse me miss..." He says trailing of since he hasn't seen me around before.

"Holiday, Fay Holiday" I say.

"Miss Holiday you do realize that this is an all boys school right" he asks.

"Yes I know. My aunt is the head master here" I say.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. My house hasn't had wifi so I've been using my friends during school.

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