Fay Holiday

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Okay so this is not a chapter but I wanted you guys to know a little bit about Fay.

Name: Fay lightning Holiday (her middle name is lightning cause of my flash fanfic)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Wolf hybrid. (She was experimented on, early in her life, which turned her into a wolf hybrid)


Up top /\ just with Electric blue ears and tail when she feels threatened.

Personality: Shy, friendly, curious, adventurous, silly, spontaneous, observant, and playful

Crush: Sebastian Smythe she just doesn't know it yet (duh its a Sebastian Smythe fanfic)

Likes: animals, nature, dancing, singing, drawing, writing, games, music, and reading

Dislikes: bullies, cheaters, liars, haters, ditchers, and fakers.

Back story: when she wanted to get away from her life, mainly Thea, she went to live with her aunt in Lima, Ohio. With out Ollie around as much as he use to be, the house started to get more and more depressing and she just couldn't handle that expesualy with her wolf abilities.

So that's a little bit about Fay.

This story does kinda link with my Flash fanfic.

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