Chapter Twenty

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Jack's P-O-V

what the hell am I doing?  I should be killing her and not giving her a kiss. What is happening to me? After a moment I pulled away and stared intently in his eyes.

"What are you doing to me?" I asked. "Why do I feel like I miss you so much?"

Her eyes stared at me but she couldn't speak. I shook my head and let her go. I turned my back at her and held my head. A certain headache came but I can't help but to cringed.                     

I can hear her breathing heavily as if we don't know what the turn up of events happened. It was really surprising,  why would I kiss the girl who killed my whole family?  It was stupid. Yep. It was really stupid.
But for some reason,  I felt happy like a jigsaw puzzle put into place. Why is she so familiar?

I turned to look at her again and stared at her intently. Her blue orbs are staring at mine until footsteps distracts us.
There came a guy with shaggy brown hair and a mask on his face. A gun was pointed at me. I felt rigid but surprise was drawn overall his face.

"Jack?" He said. "You're alive?"

"Who are you?" I asked. "How do you know me?"

He untied his mask. "Jack. This is me,  Hiccup. We thought you're dead. We are so worried about you."

Elsa snorted. "Hicc. Why are you going to be worried about him?!"

"Who are you?!" I said. "I don't know you."

He gasped. "I am your best friend since first grade!"

"What?" I looked at him in surprised.

"What have they done to you?!" He said.

"Uncle Pitch saved me from her." I pointed at Elsa. "I don't know you!"

He reached for another gun that is strap on his waist and pointed it at me.

"Sorry dude but I have to do this." He said and shot me and I fell unconscious.


Elsa's P-O-V

Why did this jerk kiss me?  But the thing is, why does it felt right? Like I am longing for him more. The others came and gasped when they saw Jack lying on the ground.
I was dazed. My head hurts so much.

"The nightmares escaped." Anna informed me. "Elsa, you alright?"

I shook my head. Kristoff helped me get up and we all went inside. The evidence of the chaos are scattered and some of the agents are shot and being rash for medical support.
Manny came and hugged me with relief in his eyes. He pulled away and gasped when he saw Jack wo is being carried by Flynn, Bunny and North.

"Let's go back and interrogate that kid." Manny instructed and pointed at Jack who is still unconscious. "Tooth and Merida,  clear the area. We need to get away from here. Search for a possible loopholes and stuff that they have used to enter the system. See you later at home."

We all nodded and rash going to the parking area and drove off. Flynn and Rapunzel got Jack in their car while we are trailing off behind them.

After a few minutes of ride we arrived and enter the living room. Anna opened the room beside the stairs and placed Jack in there. I tied him in a chair and went out,  leaving him all alone in there.

Everyone is in the living room with chaotic expression that I can't understand.

"He is alive." Anna murmured.

Hiccup sighed. "He can't remember us. He is calling Pitch his uncle."

"He tried killing me by the way." I said. "Why are you so affected by him?"

Bunny frowned. "Can't you remember a thing?"

"Remember what?" I asked,  confused.

"Don't mention it for now Bunny. It won't work." Manny said. "Jack would be awake maybe tomorrow. You need to rest plus some of you will take turns on watching the package." He pointed at the to where Jack is located.

Rapunzel shot her hands up. "I will watch for him and wait for Tooth and Mer. They are not back yet."

I nodded and went to my room. I slipped off the dress and went to the bathroom to take a shower before putting a cotton shirt and yoga shorts. I dried myself with a towel and went to bed and sleep.

Voices came into my mind. I can't understand it but they are creeping into my conscious heart like it happened before.
"I have a certain someone for you to collect."
"Jack Frost" Jack frost?  I was trapped in a dark room but voices are heard. Why can't I see anything?  Am I blind?  What is happening to me?                    
"Good night,  snowflakes." Snowflakes?? I wandered again..  What is happening?  Where am I?  Why can't I see a thing?  Why does this voice alluring me?  Why is this so familiar?

"Good night Frosty" wait.  That is my voice?  Who is frosty?

"I love you Elsa and I will do everything for you. I will even let you put that needle in me even though I don't know what is that because I trust you." His voice is familiar and makes mu heart beats crazily. Why am I feeling like this?
Why do I feel lost? 
"I love you Jack."  The voice of the guy whispered again.  Jack....  Jack....
"I will do everything to protect you." Wait,  that is Hans voice. What is happening to me?

"Snowflakes." Snowflakes?  Why is he calling me snowflakes??  Who is calling me snowflakes?
The voices came swarming again and I can't help but to feel nervous and comforted at the same time.
"You don't know how much I longed for you."
"I love you Snowflakes."
"I love you too Frosty."
Where am I ? Why do I feel like this happened before?  Like this is a memory I forgot. Why am I dreaming about this?
Then I heard my voice whispered."I love you Jack. So much."
Jack....  Jack....  Jack....  Jack....

My eyes fluttered open and I jerked up.

I Own Her (JELSA) (sequel of I CLAIM HIM) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now