Chapter Twenty Three

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Jack's P-O-V

I was tied in a chair in a room of a house or something. I don't know. The people that held me captive blindfolded me on the way here.
I tried hurting Elsa using the fork that I used in eating but it didn't work. So she left me all alone here again.
I tried closing my eyes but all I can think of is the sweet angelic voice in my head that I keep calling 'snowflakes'. It's crap. The worst thing is that the voice sounded like Elsa's voice. The voice of the murderer.
I don't know who am I going to believe now. Am I really going to trust uncle Pitch? He is my uncle right?  Meaning,  he is not going to lie to me about myself. But,  is he really my uncle?
I can't remember the faces of my parents and the life that we have before. Do I have any friends?  What am I before I became this killing machine?
If Elsa didn't murder my family,  then who did? Who am I really? 

The train of thoughts in my head was disturbed when someone opened the door and a girl with big green eyes and long golden hair came in with three others. The other girl have wild red curly hair and blue eyes. The two guys both have brown hair though the one have a goatee.

They all looked at me with wide teary eyes.

"You're alive." Blondie said.

I snorted.  "Do I look like I am dead?"

"Still the same old Jack." Goatee chuckled. "What happened to you?"

"Who are you?" I asked. "How do you know me?"

"We are your childhood friends." The shaggy one said. "We are best friends since first grade."

I shook my head. "I don't remember."

Red head sighed. "We know."

"My name is Rapunzel. You called me Punzie before. We uhh...  We are ex lovers in high school before you met Elsa." Blondie,  I mean Rapunzel informed me. "And this Flynn,  my fiance. This Merida and Hiccup. We are called the Big five before...  You have a sister named Emma and she is in Burgess now with my parents."

My face lift up. "Emma?  She is alive?  I thought Elsa killed her with my parents."

Merida shook her head. "No lad. She is alive and your parents died long before you have met Elsa. She is actually protecting you before."

"What do you mean?"

"Just cliche stories dude. You met her,  you both fall in love but she is not allowed to and then you fight for one another,  you save her and that pretty much it. You proposed and now we are all in the mission to defeat the nightmares but you got abducted and we didn't know what happened to you. Next thing we know is that someone sent a video of Pitch killing you and Elsa is devastated and wanted to die or forget you so Manny inject her with a serum kind of thing and viola!  Both of you forgot about each other and is now very confused about what I am talking about." Flynn explained like he is being chased or something. He spoke really fast.

Hiccup rolled his eyes.  "I thought we are going to tell him slowly?"

"Nah. I prefer being a fast and furious kind of thing." Flynn smirked.

"Minus the furious though." Rapunzel laughed.

"So,  tell me why am I going go believe you?" I frowned. "You could be lying."

"Let us see,  first,  the nightmares should have rescued you by now but nope. They are not here plus if we didn't know you,  we should have beat the living crap out of you." Flynn pointed out.

I snorted. "Then why am I chained here?!"

"Simple,  you're just trying to kill your fiance." Merida answered. "And we are preventing damages."

"Elsa is not my fiance! " I gritted my teeth. "I would never love the person who is a murderer."

"She didn't kill anyone Jack. She is innocent." Merida sighed. "I think you need to see this."

She placed the laptop on the table and showed me a video of uncle Pitch killing someone that looks like me. I know him,  he is Peter. The corpse I saw when I am training.

"That made Elsa devastated." Flynn said when the video ended.

I gasped. "What is happening now??!!!"  I'm so confused about this. Who really is Pitch?  Why did he tell me that Elsa killed my parents and Emma. My sister is alive. She is safe. She is safe.....

"You need to gain your memories back for you to know who is the real enemy here." Hiccup said. "You are one of us Jack. You belong to us. You belong to Elsa."

"She is in great danger now. Actually. The nightmares can track her down and wanted to kill her with some useless not-so-much-a-reason reason. You are the one who is protecting her before." Flynn told me. "You both need to gain your memories back and Sandy can help you."

"Sandy?" I snorted. "Who the hell is he?"

"One of us dude." Hiccup said.

"I want to know if you are telling the truth. I want to talk to Emma. Where is she?" I asked.

Merida sighed.  "I will video call her later."

"Okay. Just. I need to think." I muttered.

"Distractions." Rapunzel sighed sadly.

Distractions....  Distractions....

"Education is more important than distractions Frosty." The angelic voice came in my mind again.
Elsa...  Is it really Elsa's voice???

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