Chapter Twenty Seven

330 21 4

Jack's P-O-V

The sun shining on my eyes woke me up. I stretched my arms before looking at Elsa and found her still sleeping beside me. She is now facing me while her mouth is a bit apart from each other which I found extremely cute and I can't help but to smile.

I touched the tip of her nose and buried my face on her hair.  I am lost in my own fantasy when I jolted up and shook my head. Why am I feeling like this?  Why do I feel like I love her so much... 

I just sighed and went to the closet and grab a few things before taking a shower in the bathroom and putting my clothes on,  blue v-neck shirt and brown denim shorts.
I ruffled my hair and went out to find Elsa waiting for me to finish.   

She just smiled at me before going inside and so her business. I know that I am not going to do anything downstairs so I just decided to wait for her to finished.

Our setup is weird and what I felt is weird so to sum it up everything is weird and I don't know if I am just really weird or this world is made out of weirdness.

I just shook my head and turned up when the bathroom door opened to see her in a black crop top shirt and high wasted denim shorts. She is drying her hair using her towel and I can't help but to stare. She looks like an absolute goddess. Remind me the reason of why I tried to kill her again? 

"You look nice." I said while blushing.

She smiled. "Uhm thanks. You do too. I guess,  you are now familiar with the clothes. I figured that they all belong to you. They fits you perfectly."

"Yeah." I said. I watched her comb her hair and braid it.
She stood up when she is done and grabbed my hand to guide me going to the kitchen to found everyone waiting for us.
The second she pulled her hands away,  I felt that I already missed holding her hands.
sighing, I just sat on a chair beside her while we started to eat.

"So,  I hope you didn't tried to kill my daughter last night." Manny said while looking at me.

I shook my head. "Nope."

"Good." He grinned. "So,  what do you think about your past? Remember anything?"

"Just me calling someone as 'snowflakes'." I answered. "But I don't know who I'm referring to."

"Well,  that is a good news. At least, the memories have been triggered already." He smiled weakly. "But as Sandy said, there is only one way to bring that back."

"And what is that?" Elsa enquired.

Manny just gave as a weak smile. "None of your main concerns now. Just go with the things that you felt right."

"O.. Kay?" Elsa frowned and looked at her breakfast which is scrambled eggs and waffles.

"We are going to have a meeting later after this. We need to talk about the things that Tooth and Merida found in the night of their attack." North announced. "We are going to examine it a bit and Sandy already did his job to knowing it's uses and stuff. So, we need Jack to explain us the certain thing that we found and I know that he can say something about it."

I nodded. "Okay...  But, I don't know some of them. Uncle Pitch...  I mean,  pitch didn't show me that much when it comes to the weapons that they use during the attack. Heck,  I didn't even know that they are going to attack."

"Oh.  Okay then." Bunny Muttered.        

We are all gathered up in the living room and a few things are on the coffee table. Sandy is explaining things about the weapons and stuff on the table. I helped explaining if I am familiar with it or saw it while I am in the nightmares den.
Elsa took the gun which I used to attack her. She showed it to me and smirked.

"Remember this Frost?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"So,  what exactly is the reason why you wanted to use this gun to me?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Well , it is a very special gun that Pitch gave me. " I answered. "The bullets content have an acid to be shot in your stomach. Kind of torturing you before killing you kind of thing."

"Oh." She said while keeping it. "I am going to keep this. May come handy sometimes."

Manny nodded. "You can use that with Pitch."

"Yep." She agreed. "And maybe for defending my self from someone."

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.

Elsa stick her tongue out at me. "I'm just kidding."

"Really?" I can't help but to laughed.

She nodded like a child...  She is funny. Maybe that is why I fell in love with her before and I am falling in love with her now.

I really love you Elsa.. . Even if I can't remember you.

I Own Her (JELSA) (sequel of I CLAIM HIM) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now