XIII| Change (1)

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Work was progressive today. It kept my mind off of all of the thoughts that were deeply affecting my mood. Especially Eli's words. Of course he would have the most impacting words on me and he is slowly transiting out of my life as Kimberley is slowly coming in.

I was happy, just slightly, that I was able to leave work at a little after three rather than five because and I would take that time to go home to meet my bed.

Even despite all of this constant communication, I still don't know Kimberley's schedule and even though I have the access to it, I would rather that she would tell me herself. Something about her telling me rather than me finding out myself, would be more delightful to me.

So I say my goodbyes to everyone before I walk out of the office then eventually out of the building, finding myself now submerged in the freezing cold. Winter has come, urging me to maybe add another layer under my peacoat. Maybe a thicker scarf.

I stuff my hands into my pockets, as I stare at the cloud of smoke that blows out of my mouth every time I exhale.

Growing up here, I would believe that maybe I would've accustomed to the weather changes. I live in Washington where the rain was frequent and vicious when it became colder. And yet here I am, still negatively reacting to it.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, forcing me to pull it out and put it to my ear reluctantly. The cold air whips the skin on my hand and now I wish I invested in some gloves.


"Cheryl what are you doing?" Sarah is loud in my ear as I look around to make sure that she isn't going to run into me.

"I am walking to my car to go home."

"Don't come home."

"Wait, why?"

"Because you're going to be very upset if you do. Things kind of got out of hand here."

"Why are you guys even in the house? Don't you have class?"

"No we were let out earlier. Just don't come home for like two hours. Kay?"

Sarah ends the call, leaving me groaning but also curious to see what has been done to the place I call home. I quickly make my way to my car, seeing that there is a note under the windshield wiper and automatically I believe it's from Eli.

And then for some reason I think of the roses he gave me, that are now dead, still sitting on my desk in my office.

But I pull the note up from under the wiper to see that it was from Kimberley.

Her handwriting looks like it was written with a feather dipped in ink. It was so fancy and odd. Everything about her was just different.

I don't leave notes on people's cars. How weird would that be? But I just wanted to let you know that I was passing by your car, on my way to class and my thoughts were drowning around any thought of you. So I wanted you to know I was thinking of you today and hopefully I would get to see you too.

I take the white piece of paper and sit in my car with it. I put it on the empty passenger seat before my phone actually begins to vibrate again. And it is a text from her.

Nic told me that you got out early so come to my home.

The next lines were the address to her home. I just can't believe how crazy of a day this has been but I decide to drive home before I venture on that path.

That definitely took me out of the thoughts I buried myself underneath. Seeing something like that makes me believe that I did something right in making my feelings known to her. I'm not sure where it's going to take us, but it is starting to take us in the right direction.

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