The Star Child

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"When you get a broken family, you can't throw it away and get a new one."
~Iyanla Yanzant

The revelation of Damian Wayne's true parentage had been a surprise for everyone.

Dick had been pissed off, of course. Their introduction hadn't exactly been a friendly one and their interactions with each other since hadn't gotten much better over time. They seemed to tolerate each other at best, but, when Damian's demeanor and attitude was taken into consideration, having them tolerate each other was better than a lot of other possible scenarios.

Bruce's relationship with his son wasn't much better

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Bruce's relationship with his son wasn't much better. It took a while for Damian to understand his father's philosophy when it came to bettering the world and ridding Gotham of crime, and even then, the boy had opted to spend time in a monastery in Tibet away from his new found family, and shortly after returning, had been forced to join a team of other young heroes that needed a place in this world rather than come back to his father's home.

As a result, there had been very little time for Damian and his sister to interact. Valerie was older than the would-be assassin by a little over a year and found his adamant insistence on avoiding her almost painful.

Valerie had been also been trained as a warrior by her mother, however, she felt that Damian had been denied many things as a child, that she had wanted to show and share with him.

Even though she understood that his new team were more of a family to him than she could ever be, she wished she would be given the chance to come to love her blood brother the way she loved her adoptive one.

Regardless of this ungranted wish, Valerie had screeched in fright when she came down to the kitchen in the middle of the night in hunt for something to drink, only to be met with a group of teenagers rummaging around in the cabinets.

"What in Valhalla is going on?" Everyone in the kitchen very suddenly stopped moving. A man Valerie recognized as Cyborg stood leaning against the counter, a slice of her left over meat-lovers pizza in his hand. A boy who was entirely green from his skin to his hair had half a veggie sandwich hanging from his lips, a girl with pale skin and a ruby embedded in her forehead was levitating just above the kitchen counter, another kid had his back to Valerie and his head  hidden in the fridge, and lastly, a very tall, read headed woman Valerie knew to be Kori had been speaking frantically to Dick, her arms waving about, like she was explaining something dramatic. Now her arms simply hung in the air at odd angles while she stared at the winged teenager.

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