Discalimer and Glossary

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This is not a Marvel-DC cross over. Thor is not a blonde superhero in tights, Loki is not the sexy, power-hungry prince, and Asgard is not an alien planet, but another plane of existence altogether.

The beings described in this book are based on what is known of Norse Mythology, as accurate and in depth as anyone with internet access can get, with a few personal twists and interpretations added by yours truly.

The characters portrayed in the Marvel Comic books and cinematic universe stray very far away from that mythology. That is not to say that they are not awesome, kick ass characters, because they are. However, they are not to be confused with the characters described in this novel.

All characters in this novel are property of DC comics, with the exception of any characters that have any relation to Norse Mythology. I either made them up, or the Nordic people did, prior to the "Christanisation" of Europe.

This book is based several years after the events of the 2016 movie: Justice League vs Teen Titans.


Aesir: The race of gods that reside in Asgard. Odin, Thor and Balder are among these.

Asgard: The realm the Aesir reside in and Odin rules over.

Balder: The son of Odin and Frigga and the god of light and peace who was slain through the trickery of Loki by a mistletoe sprig.

Frejr: The Vanir god of fair weather, virility and prosperity. Valerie Wayne's great-grandfather. 

Freyja: The Vanir goddess of wealth, beauty, fertility and many other things. Sister of Frejr. Valerie Wayne's great-aunt.

Frigga: The wife of Odin and Norse goddess of married love and of the hearth.

Hel: The goddess of the dead and daughter of Loki.

Helheim: "Home of the goddess Hel" The realm of the dead, the Underworld.

Jötunn: (pl: Jötnar) a race of shapeshifting giants that were banished to Jötunheim by the Aesir.

Jötunheim: The realm where the Jötnar reside.

Jord: The earth goddess and mother of Thor.

Loki: The god of trickery and mischief. His origins are unknown; he is not Jötunn, Aesir or Vanir. He is a close friend of the Valkyrie Skaga and is Valerie Wayne's godfather.

Odin: The solemn ruler of the gods. He is god of wisdom, poetry, farming, and war.

Ragnarok: The prophesied war between all nine realms, said to bring about the destruction of Yggdrasil.

Skaga: One of Odin's Valkyries and Valerie's mother.

Thor: The son of Odin and Jord, an idealized warrior and the god of thunder.

Valhalla: The hall of the slain found in Helheim. Odin's Valkyries reap the souls of fallen soldiers deemed worthy, and bring them to train in Valhalla in preparation for Ragnarok.

Valkyries: The warrior maidens loyal to Odin who reap the souls of slain warriors of their choice from the battlefield to Valhalla.

Vanaheim: The realm of existence that the Vanir reside in.

Vanir: The race of gods that reside on Vanaheim. These include Freyja and her brother Frejr.

Yggdrasil: The cosmic world tree, in which all nine realms are believed to be housed. Asgard and Vanaheim in the highest branches, Midgard somewhere in the middle, and Jötunheim and Helheim in the lowest branches. The higher a realm is in the branches, the more desirable the realm is to live in.

 The higher a realm is in the branches, the more desirable the realm is to live in

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