Two Worlds, One Family

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"Who are we to trust, if not our family?"
~Pope Alexander VI

When Valerie got home Damian was waiting for her. He stood in the foyer, his arms crossed against his chest and his face twisted in a scowl.

"Where have you been?" He demanded of her. Valerie sighed and slipped the gift into her pocket.

"School, Damian." She grunted, pushing past him.

"For eight and a half hours?" He pulled her cloak back, and Valerie stumbled.

"Ugh, you brat!" She screeched. Quickly, she spun to face him, her hands raised as if to attack him. "Where I've been is none of your business!"

"It is when you're acting suspicious!" He advanced towards her, and it wasn't until this moment, that Valerie realized just how much the kid had grown in three and a half years. He stood taller than her by at least four inches.

"How would you know if I was acting suspicious! You have no idea how I act in any situation, because you don't know me!" With that she pushed her half-brother back, but he regained his balance quickly.  

"You're right, Valkyrie. I have no idea who you really are." He stated calmly and Valerie rolled her eyes.

"You're suspecting me now? Really?" The girl scoffed. She didn't care to continue this argument, however, Damian was not finished with her.

"You still have not told me where you were all day." He smiled a thin, tight lipped smile, as if to emphasize his apparent victory.

"Gotham City Library, detective. They have security cameras installed everywhere around there. Go check if you don't believe me." With that, Valerie sashayed out of the room, leaving behind a rather stunned looking Damian.

Truth was, she had simply wanted to put off seeing the Titans that had invaded her home for as long as possible.


Damian was certainly not finished with Valerie.
The boy was determined to prove that his sister was somehow involved in the plot against the Titans. Whether she was innocent or not, she had some part to play in all this, and Damian wanted to know exactly what it was.

Valerie was sprawled out on her bed, her laptop in front of her, as she typed out the History essay that had been due yesterday. She had just written the third paragraph, when something heavy and metallic landed on her exposed legs.

"Up, Valkyrie. We're going to spar." Without looking up, Valerie buried her head in her arms.

"Piss off, Demon Spawn. I have no interest in-"

"I don't care. Up Val." It was Dick who spoke this time. "Like it or not, Damian's your brother and he's staying here for the time being. If you two aren't going to get along, then I'd prefer if you did your fighting under supervision."

Groaning, Valerie squinted at Dick from behind strands blonde hair. "Sorry Doctor Phill, but this homework was due-"

"Your dad thinks this is a good idea too." Dick smirked, and Valerie scowled. Only when Dick knew he had Bruce's backing on something Valerie didn't like, did he refer to his childhood guardian as "Your dad." Any other time it was simply "Bruce."

"Screw what he thinks. He fell for Thalia's little act in the first place. Make him deal with the spawn of his-"

"Do not finish that sentence. Come on, you need to deal with that frustration." The first Robin shut Valerie's laptop, tucked it under his arm, and maneuvered Damian out the door.

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