To Have Faith is to Have Wings

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"You'll never know if you can fly if you never take the risk of falling."

"Hi, I don't think we've been properly introduced. The name's Beast Boy." The green-skinned kid held his hand out expectantly. He had jumped up and rushed towards Valerie so fast that she had been worried he was going to tackle her to the ground.

Gingerly she took his hand, shook it once, and let go of it like it was a relief to not have to touch him anymore.

"Hi?" She sounded unsure. She still stood in the doorway of the rec room, a little freaked out at seeing her favorite hang out spot in the Manor be overrun by the Titans. Dick stood behind her, and stared Garfield down until he slunk slowly back to his seat, tail between his legs.


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"Valerie. I assume Grayson has talked some sense into you." Damian commented, not even looking up from his laptop.

Valerie growled and made to lunge forward, but Dick pulled her back by her wings.

"Easy there, baby bat. I'm not feeling up to hiding any bodies in Bruce's backyard tonight."

"Stop calling me that!" She pulled away from Dick's grasp, and glared at her younger brother, who sat wearing a small, gloating grin, without ever taking his eyes off the screen in front of him.

Victor quickly took advantage of the lull in conversation.

"So you really think that she's the key to this?" He asked skeptically. His question was aimed at Dick, who just shrugged.

"Ask Damian. He's the one who says it was an Asgardian attack." All eyes turned to Robin, but he simply shrugged.

"Valerie's very existence as a half-human Valkyrie defies Odin's will." Understanding dawned on the team as they turned to look at the teenage girl in a new light.

"So that...thing was after her." Jaime concluded. Before anyone else responded, Damian spoke up.

"Valerie, it says here that your godfather is tied to rocks underneath a venomous serpent. Is that true?"

Valerie snorted.
"Where'd you get that? Wikipedia? Really, I expected more in depth research from the son of Batman." She mocked.

"Don't sound so arrogant sister. It does not become you." Damian scowled. "Is it true? Is Loki imprisoned?"

"Wait, hold up," Victor held up both his metallic arms in the shape of a 'T'. "Time out. Is he saying that your godfather is the god of evil?"

"Loki's not the god of evil, he's the god of mischief and trickery." Raven corrected from where she sat on the floor in front of he couch.

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