A Day At The Barn

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Today I get to go to the barn. I was talking to Krystal ( My Coach ) on Facebook. She had put up the show sheet for the season. Since I now have my own locker at the barn I keep all of my riding tack there, except for my clothing. I got on my clothing, then walked down-stairs. My Mom had made me break-fast to go because we were running late. Before we ran outside I grabed a apple, and mints for Elana. 

When we got to the barn I walked straight to the office to sign up for the FallowField Show. The show was in May. Last time it Hailed and Snowed. I was riding Taz and we came 3rd out of 12 people. So we did very well. But Elana is alot different than Taz . Once I finished signing up for the show I went to get Elana. It was in the middle of winter, and it was freezing, even inside of a heated barn. I walked over to Elana's stall and she didn't have her blanket on, she was freezing cold. She was shivering. I brushed her till she was nice and clean, even though she was inside horses still find a way to get dirty. Once I finished brushing her I grabed her riding blanket. Then I tack her up like I usally do. What the riding blanket does is it grabs all of her body heat that excapes and then warms her up. All we had was a flat lesson ( didn't do any jumping ). I untacked and put three blankets on her to keep her warm, then gave her some grain, water, apples, and some mints. Once Elana was in the stall, I put her Tack away in the locker.

After the barn I went to the tack shop because my mom said she would get me a new show jacket and a new helmet. I asked her if I could get one thing for Elana. She said yes, she is the best Mom in the world. So I went to the horse accesorries section  and got Elana a new Blue Ear Net. Once I finished we went to the cashier and the total was $178.58.

Me and my mom went home and I went straight up to my bedroom and saw my dog just laying on my  bed all sad. I pulled her off my bed then started to play with her. I was guessing that she had been missing me because bettween school and the barn, I dont get to spend much time with her.

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