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Today was my first day back to school after the Christmas Hoildays. I got dressed to go to the barn. My mom walked into my bedroom. She did not look happy. I asked her " What's wrong Mom?". She anwsered back " It is Elana, she went into a Collic today. But we will still go to the barn, so you can go and see her."

I was so sad. It came out of nowhere. But atleast we are going to see her. I wanted to know who I was going to ride today because today was the day I was suppose to do a lesson. I am going to bring her a apple and mints because that is what she love. I want to know why she went into a collic. I bet the person who rode her last did not put on her blankets.

We got to the barn. I ran straight to her stall, I knew it. She did not have her blankets on. She is a pony she needs a blanket or two on in the winter. I walked over to Brittney the barn manager to ask her a question  

" Who was the last person that rode Elana."  

" The last person who rode her was Janessa and that was three days ago, right after you left she came.''

'' Who else rides her.''

'' Just you and Janessa.''

'' O.K, I am going to talk to krystal to see if Janessa can get put on a different horse, because I don't want her to put my horse in danger anymore.''

'' O.K you go do what is needed.''

I walked over to Krystal. She was in Elana's stall looking at her. 

'' Umm, Krystal could we talk about Janessa getting put on a new horse. I don't want her to danger Elana anymore. Maybe she could get put on Taz because truthfully I don't think she has enough experience to get put on Elana.''

'' Sure by why do you want her to get off of Elana. Is it because she is dangering her. And you think she is not experienced enough.''

'''Yes, and next time you want to put someone on Elana can you call me the week they are going to ride them so I can watch. Cause I am very protective about Elana. I want to live a life like any horse would like to live.''

'' O.K I will change who she rides, and yes I think that Taz would be good for her. Also I will call you when I want someone to ride Elana.''

My mom came up to me in Elana's stall and said that she has to go out but she will come back later to pick me up. I sat down beside Elana and snuggled up beside her keeping her warm. I Got Elana to stand up and I put three blankets on her to keep her nice and warm. I let Elana lay back down. 

Once Elana was nice and clam and laying down. I went into the feed room. I got Elana some Oats and mased up some Mints and put them in her oats. While I was walking back to her stall I saw Janessa coming in. So I raced to Elana's stall. When I got in the stall I put Elana's bucket of food on her hook in the stall. Janessa came with a Halter and Lead Rope.

 " Get that lasy old Horse."

" NO! Because of you she went into a collic earlier today."

"I don't care just get her up, she will be fine." 

Krystal walked down to me and Janessa. She sent Janessa to the office to go and see who she will be riding. I was so tired, so when Elana fell asleep I rested my head on her stomach and snuggled up to her. I must have fallen asleep because Brittney had woke me up saying that I had fallen asleep and it was the most prettiest thing she had ever seen. I had time because my mom texted me saying that she will be at the barn in three hours. So in that time I cleaned all of my tack. Then sorted my Locker. Once I had all of that finished. I brought  Elana out so I could brush her. At that time Janessa had finished her lesson and came out of the ring. The first thing she did when she came out from the ring was she had to scare Elana.  Elana Freaked, she had broke her old halter and ran out of the barn into the driveway. The first thing I thought of was that she might hurt herself. Me and brittney jumped on the four-weeler and drove down the driveway. We saw Elana she was in the field grazing by the rode. I was scared that she would spooke and get hit by a car. But we got close enough to her without scaring her. I asked Brittney if she could stop and I will walk and get her. I put her halter on and saw a stump. I walked Elana to the stump and hoped on her back I troted her back up to the barn and put her in the stall. 

When we got back up to the barn Krystal tolled me that Janessa is banned from the barn. She is not allowed to come here anymore because that was the third time she has done that. I was so thankful to here that. She was so snotty, and rude. Once I put Elana back into the stall, I grabed my brushes and gave her a big brushing and put her blankets back on her. An hour later my mom came to pick me up. We went home to have supper. My mom said hat we could come back to the barn in two days to she Elana and do a Make-Up lesson because I missed mine today taking care of Elana. After supper I went to bed early because I have to get up early tomorrow to go to school.

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