Chapter 133

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Ashton's PoV:

Yesterday had been so much fun having Carter and the kids at the studio with us.

I couldn't believe I had actually gotten Carter to sing, and I was planning on making her voice prominent in the song. I was giving her vocal credit and also writing credit since it was all about her.

The band had also decided to put Gracie's lullaby as a hidden track on the album. It was cute because the way we recorded it was so the listener could hear Gracie and I talking to each other and singing together, and Carter talking to us. Gracie would be receiving writing credit and vocal credit for that as well.

Today I was at the studio again working on another song that I had written about Carter and hadn't played for her yet called Vapour that I would get to surprise her with.

Carter was staying at the hotel with the kids while I worked, and honestly one of the blessings of us winning this court battle was that we had way less to pay in legal fees since Robert Ramone now had to cough up the money.

I turned my attention back to the boys who were writing another song while we waited for a mechanical issue to be worked out.

"Yeah, and what if you did a diamond strum there." Calum's said as I watched them, waiting to start writing the second verse.

My phone rang in my pocket and I pulled it out to see it was Carter calling me.

"It's the wife." I said and answered the phone, putting it on speaker. "Hey babe."

"Hey." She said. "Do you think you can go to the store for me on your way back? I just need one thing."

"Yeah what do you need?"

"A box of tampons."

A chorus of Hey, Ew, and Gross sounded from all of the guys in the room.

"Oh shut up!" Carter fired back at them.

"Shouldn't you have another two weeks left?" I questioned and the guys whined again.

"Why the hell do you know that?" Calum looked at me with a disgusted look.

"I'm engaged to her!" I smacked the side of his head.

"It's not for that." Carter explained. "My version of arts and crafts with our daughter was gluing cotton balls to coloured paper to make clouds. Hers was getting my box of tampons, ripping them to shreds and then gluing them to the walls of our hotel room."

"Oh my God." I tried not to laugh.

"It's not funny." She whined. "I don't know what her deal is but she's being a menace."

At that I heard a scream come from Gracie.

"Gracie you do NOT scream in hotel rooms, there are people next door and that's rude. Now sit down in the corner." Carters mother voice came through.

"Yikes." I widened my eyes.

"Honestly I can't with her today. She threw her cereal everywhere, she followed me around while I tried to clean it up crying because of I don't know why, she's thrown around all of her toys, then the tampon thing, now she's sitting in timeout where she's been for an hour because I told her every time she talks I'm adding another minute. And I'm scraping freaking tampons off walls."

"I'm sorry, baby." I frowned, I could hear Gracie crying in the background.

"Gracie stop!" Carter told her before groaning. "I want to cry."

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