Chapter 162

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A week had passed since the whole outpouring of information about my dead older brother.

Talk about Cadwell had been non-existent, exactly how I wanted it, and today was the day Gracie and I were leaving for London.

Since Ender was still grounded only Gracie was allowed to come to soundcheck with Ashton and I.

The fans cheered as we went to sit down on the monitors next to the guys, Gracie sitting between Ash and me.

She held our hands, giggling as she kicked her feet.

Gracie liked soundcheck because the guys would include her in the questions, letting her answer them as well.

While Michael was talking about his favorite video games my phone began to ring and I hurriedly took it out to see it was Harry.

Turning around I saw him standing backstage, nodding at me when we locked gazes.

"Harry is here." I then leaned over to whisper in Ashton's ear and he turned around to see Harry there.

"Okay." He sighed and then bent down to place his hand on Gracie's shoulder.

"Hey, your Uncle Harry is here so it's time to say goodbye to your uncles." He said and she looked to see Harry before grinning and gasping.

"Uncle Harry!" She jumped up and ran backstage to hug him.

Ashton and I laughed As Harry hugged her and then sent her back.

She then walked over to Michael and hugged him, kissing his cheek as well before moving on to Luke and Calum to do the same.

"Do you want to tell everyone where you're going?" Ashton then asked Gracie in the mic and she nodded.

"Me and Mommy go to London with Uncle Harry." She said.

"Yeah, and what are you going to do in London?"

"Wear pretty dresses." She smiled.

"Are you and Mommy walking a red carpet?" He asked her and she nodded, her grin taking over her face.

He then set down his mic.

"Tell Daddy bye." He said to her and she wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him. He hugged her close, squeezing her tight.

"I love you, i'll talk to you everyday okay?" He told her.

"Okay Daddy."

"Be a good girl for Mommy."

She nodded and then gave him a kiss.

Ashton let her go and then stood up to hug me.

"Do you have your passport?" He asked.

"Yes." I smiled.

"And your wallet and phone?"

"Yes." I chuckled.

"And all of your clothes and everything?"

"Yes. I'm all set." I laughed.

"Okay. Call me when you get there."

"I will. I love you."

"I love you too." He leaned in and kissed me, the fans screaming at this causing Ashton and I to laugh mid kiss.

"I'll miss you." I said when we broke the kiss.

"I'll miss you more." He winked.

He then squeezed me once more before letting me go, I went to hug the guys and then Ashton once more before taking Gracie's hand as we began to walk back to Harry who was waiting.

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now