Chapter 135

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My morning started off in a scramble.

Our alarm went off as scheduled but the sound was low so we didn't hear it until twenty minutes past the time.

Then Gracie had wet the bed sometime in the night so I then had to get both her and Ender cleaned up and change the sheets before I could even shower.

Ashton took over from there to pack a bag for Gracie and get her dressed and ready for the day while I scrubbed myself clean and then blowed my hair dry.

I dressed in Ashton's hoodie and some yoga pants before putting Gracie's bag over her shoulders.

"Okay, i'll call you later." I went to kiss Ender then Ashton.

"Okay. Love you." Ashton kissed me back and I then rushed out the door with Gracie, taking a coffee to go.

The driver had the information on where to take me and we arrived at a studio downtown.

I got Gracie out of her car seat and then held her hand as I walked inside the building.

Following the sound of voices I walked down a hall and then into a large room where Harry, Becca and a lot of other people were moving about.

"Hey." I walked up to Harry, tugging my little Gracie along.

"Hey!" He hugged me. "Okay so go find Becca and she will get you into hair and makeup." He said and I nodded.

"Uncle Harry!" Gracie grinned and he bent down to hug her before I took her hand again and went to find Becca.

I found her standing over by the makeup tables  and hugged her tightly.

"Oh it's so good to see you." She hugged me back. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good. Sorry we haven't been in touch for a while."

"Car you were going through a lot, you needed to be with Gracie. But i'm so glad everything worked out, I was praying for you."

"Thank you. That means so much to me." I smiled and she kissed my cheek.

"Aunt Becca!" Gracie looked up at her in awe and Becca bent down to hug her.

"Aw, Gracie I missed you."

Gracie beamed at this and Becca squeezed her extra tight before I set Gracie in a makeup chair next to me while I sat in one.

Becca got to work on straightening out my curls while I gave Gracie my phone to play with.

"So how are you and Ashton?" Becca asked me.

"We're good." I smiled happily, thinking about last night. "We got tattoos last night."

"No way!" Let me see yours!" She gasped and I carefully lifted my shirt so she could see.

"Aw, I like it. It's small and understated but has a meaning and it's not like tacky. It's sweet." She smiled. "What did Ashton get?"

I took my phone from Gracie to show her Ashton's tattoo which she liked as well.

"You two are so perfect for each other." She said and then sighed. "I wish I had a fiancé who loved me like that."

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now