Chapter 134

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I awoke to the sound of cartoons playing on the television.

Stretching in the sheets I rolled over and put my glasses on before sitting up, my eyes widening when they landed on a pouting Gracie who was sitting in the corner with her arms crossed while Ashton stood beside her giving her a displeased look.

Furrowing my eyebrows I got out of the bed and walked towards them.

"What's going on?" I yawned.

"Someone woke up in the middle of the night and ate the leftover cake you brought home." Ashton said and I gasped.


I walked over to the cake and noticed that it was all but gone.

"Gracie, that was not nice. I brought that home to share with Daddy and Ender too, and you ate it all."

"No!" She shook her head and poked out her lip once she realised I was mad at her.

"You cannot have any more sweets for the rest of the week." I said and her eyes misted up with tears.

"Stop that right now. You were bad and you know it and there's no reason to cry. You're in trouble and that's it." Ashton warned her and she quickly dropped the crying act.

I sighed as I went to toss out the container the cake used to be in and then shook my head as I walked back to Ashton.

"Watch these." He handed me his phone and I saw he had posted two videos this morning.

I hit play on the first one and it showed the cake crumbs and then he walked over to the kids bed and moved to show the frosting on Gracie's mouth. He then moved the camera up to the mirror where he had a pouty/grumpy face.

I snorted and then moved to the next which was of Gracie sitting on the bed.

"Gracie did you eat the cake Mommy brought home?" He asked her and she shook her head no. "You know you're not supposed to lie to Daddy. Now did you eat the cake?"

"I no eat cake." She shrugged.

"Then why do you have frosting on your mouth?"

"I no have frosting." She replied.

"Yes you do."


"Gracie, I can see you. You have frosting all over your face."

"No." She whined.

"So if you go look in the mirror you won't have frosting on your face?" He asked and she got out of the bed and walked over to the full length mirror and she looked at herself for a moment before her face got red and she started to cry.

She turned around and walked back to Ashton crying and that's when he stopped the video.

"Ugh. I remember when Ender was her age." I shook my head. "He always got into everything and acted up all the time. And then it only got worse when our parents died because he wasn't used to me disciplining him so he didn't listen to me."

"And we get to go through this stage again when we have kids." He pointed out.

"Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting." I sighed.

"So what all did you do at Harry's?" He asked me.

"We watched a movie, had Chinese take out, baked a cake and then Harry convinced me to do modelling..." I trailed off and Ashton widened his eyes.


"Well he said he'd get me a meeting with an agency and if they like me then I guess I will be a model."

Haven Harbour: Beyond the Sea • a.i. • (Sequel to Haven Harbour)Where stories live. Discover now