Another Child

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    I clench my fists tears falling from my eyes, "Daniel! We can't just have some people stay!" I yell he looks at me, I never call him Daniel unless I am really mad. "We can't....PUT EASTON IN DANGER OR THE BABY!" I yell even louder grabbing him by his collar showing my teeth. Naomi was the only one that knew I was having a baby. Only 2 months in having wraps trying to hide it. His eyes are widened digging my head into his chest punching him in the shoulder. "Mercy.." He says wrapping his arms around me trying to calm me. I struggle trying to get away from his grip, suddenly I just give up my body becoming limp. "You've used to much will hurt the baby if you try to push yourself even more..." He whispers in my ear giving a weak nod putting all my weight onto him. Falling asleep. 

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