Chapter 1: sick of it

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"Regina, get me my shoes!" I sigh, but I do what he says. I hand them over to him and I go make myself ready to go shopping with my best friend, Emma.

"Where are you going?" I hear him yell.

"Just shopping with Emma. It's been a while since I saw her." I answer, a bit panicked because I know what's going to happen next.

"You're not going anywhere, Regina. I need you to bring Henry to kindergarten and then you need to clean my desk. It's a complete mess."

"Daniel, I thought you would bring him? Why can't I just go? I haven't seen Emma in ages!" He gets up and stands right in front of me. His face only a couple of centimeters away from mine. I breathe heavily and try to look away, but he grabs my chin and turns my head back to him.

"I have a company to run. You don't have anything to do. Make sure everything is done when I get back home this evening."

"Okay." I whisper, tears forming in my eyes.

"And don't act like that. You're a woman, not a baby." He says, before he smashes his lips against mine and turns to take his bag.

"I have to go."

I take my phone and send a quick text to Emma to tell her I'm sick. She doesn't have to know that my husband's a total ass.

An hour later I'm at Daniel's desk, when I suddenly hear my phone ring.

"Regina Mills."

"Hey Ms. Mills, my name is Mary Margaret. We just read your mail to become our new secretary and we would like you to come over for a little conversation tomorrow at 2pm. Does that fit for you?"

"Oh, that's great! I'll be there."

"Okay Ms. Mills. We'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes, bye!" My voice sounds extremely excited. If I get this job, I'll finally have the chance to earn my own money and most of all, I won't have to be at home that much.

When I finished cleaning the desk, I made a phone call to Emma. I told her that I felt a lot better and that we could maybe still go out for a drink. She immediately agreed and so I'm on my way to the local pub right now. When I'm walking down the street, I try not to look around. There are way too much couples who are kissing or cuddling. The kind of love I always wanted to have, but I can't leave Daniel. It wouldn't be good for Henry. He's only 4 years old!

I arrive at the local pub, when I hear a familiar voice laughing. Daniel. He's not at work, of course not.

"Daniel?" I hear myself asking with anger in my voice.

"Regina! What are you doing here?" Okay, he's clearly drunk.

"I... I'm having a drink with Emma."

"Didn't I tell you to stay at home?" he says, after he ordered another beer.

"Don't worry, Henry's at kindergarten and I cleaned your desk."

"Then go clean it again! You never do it the way I want you to."

"Then go do it yourself." I say silently, but not silent enough. I look back up at him, just to see him stare at me.

"Hey dude. Calm down." one of his friends says. But Daniel doesn't listen. He stands up and pushes me hard, until I smash against the floor. I moan and tears appear in my eyes. He pulls me back up at my arm and hits me right in the face.

"You NEVER listen to what I say! You're my wife, can't you just do what I want?" He screams when he grabs my shoulders. It hurts, I can't move and my heart raises until I feel like it's going to explode.

"Why don't you just leave the lady alone?" I hear a voice saying behind me. I look around and see a guy with beautiful blue eyes walking towards us.

"Don't. It's okay." I whisper to him.

"No, it's not." He answers and a little smile appears on my face when I realize he's trying to protect me. He stands right in front me and turns around to smash Daniel in the face. Oh god, I love this guy.

"You're welcome, milady." He says as he notices that I'm staring at him.

"T... Thanks." I say. "I'm Regina."

"Robin." After these words, he walks out of the pub and I bite my lip for a while. Wow, he's hot and Daniel is nothing compared to him. But still, I have to hold on. For Henry. Though I'm sick of it.

Hey guys! So, this is chapter one of my own OutlawQueen fanfic! This is the first story that I'm writing, so I hope that I won't disappoint you all... Be prepared for a beautiful romance between Robin and Regina & I hope you will all like it!

- Jana

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