You Worry Me Sick

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While easing back into the couch in the Malfoy's living room I am soon joined by a worried looking Narcissa.

"Severus, has Alexander spoken as of yet?" She asks carefully

"No, he has not. I figured it would come soon."

"Severus, Draco is talking. He is very close to complete sentences. Maybe you should take Alexander to a healer, I would hate for something to be wrong with the boy."

I had not thought about it. I knew children usually are talking by now but I figured Alexander was just a little behind. She has a point though, I have had full conversations with my godson but have not gotten a word from my own offspring. Looking over to where the two year old boys play I watch as Draco talks excitedly but Alexander only nods. It is obvious that he understands what his friend is on about but for some reason does not seem to feel the need to verbally answer. Maybe Narcissa is right, maybe something is wrong.



"Do you suppose you could accompany Alexander and I to a healer?"

"Of course, may I ask why my company is being asked upon?"

"You're better with people than I. I want to get my son help if needed but can not do so if I am socially inept."

This was not the true answer, well not entirely, but I was not going to admit that I was honestly terrified that something may be wrong with my boy.

---Time Skip---The following morning

As I finish cleaning everything up from breakfast I hear the fire flare up, signaling the arrival of Narcissa. Walking into the kitchen where Alexander and I are, she picks up the small boy and begins waving his hand that grasped her fingers. Alexander may not talk but he is still as friendly as they come while also always being in a good mood. In this way he is definitely much like his mother.

"Good morning Narcissa." I finally greet

"Good morning Severus, is everything ready to go?" She replies while dancing the child around the kitchen causing him to break out into uncontrollable giggles.

With a soft smile on my face from watching my son and dear friend I answer with a soft yes.

"Well if that is so than I suppose we should go. Isn't that right Alexander? We can go on an adventure."

After making sure everything is set I lead her to the floo where we make our way to Saint Mungo's child ward. After we are in the waiting room Narcissa passes Alexander to me while she goes to the desk to talk to the healer she knows. Not five minutes later she turns to me with a smile and nod of the head to follow her. We begin to walk down a busy corridor, passing many people on the way, to which Alexander giggles and waves to them all. I have tried telling him how he should not greet those he does not know, but it has not gotten me anywhere and based on his bubbly personality I do not think he will ever listen to that rule. Some wave back with quiet but enthusiastic greetings while others see who the boy is with and just look away. Soon Narcissa and an odd little woman I suppose is the healer turn into a small room. With the door shut and privacy charms placed the healer turns to Narcissa.

"So what are we in for today?"

"We have some worries concerning little Alexander here. He should be talking by now but has yet to utter ever half a word." She explains

"And how old is he?" The healer asks looking at me

"He is two."

"Than yes I would say he should be speaking by now. Have you tried persuading him?"

"We've tried showing him how to pronounce simple words and he spends a lot of time with my little one, who speaks close to full sentences but when they communicate Alexander still does not verbally answer." Narcissa answers

This is half the reason I brought her with me, she is much better tempered and has less trouble explaining.

"So he is prompted and around others who do speak. Has he gone through any trama that could cause this?"

I would have first thought about the death of Lily and James but after a very detailed talk with Bellatrix she ensured the child saw and heard absolutely nothing. With a swift shake of my head the doctor nods and moves on to different tests she could run to look for answers. We are in the hospital for the next two hours as multiple tests are run but they all come up with no answers. The only answer the doctor is able to give is the possibility of Alalia, a disorder in which the child has a delay on speech due to multiple different reasons, though this does not really match either as Alexander is anything but shy the tests say there is nothing abnormal.

"I am sorry to say I have no exact answer of what could be stopping little Alexander from speaking. There is nothing medically wrong with him. All I can say is maybe he is simply a late bloomer in the area. I am sorry I am unable to give you some diagnosis but at least know there is nothing wrong with your little boy." The healer explains sadly

With nods and thanks from both of us we floo to Malfoy manor where Alexander runs off to find Draco. After he is away I place myself in an arm chair and put my head in my hands. Narcissa sits on the couch beside me, letting out a sigh.

"At least there is nothing wrong with him Severus. He is healthy, that is all we can ask for."

"But Narcissa, he does not speak. What if he never does? Not everyone is going to be kind to him, not only is he doomed for being mine but now he can not speak to stand up for himself."

"Sev, do not talk like that. Alexander is not doomed, he will be just fine. He is such a happy character I am sure he will make friends, and he will always have Draco. Maybe he will speak eventually, the doctor does not know. It is not out of the question that he will just start later than other children. He will be okay Severus, you have to believe that."

I wanted nothing like to believe my friend and what she says but I knew better. I knew that being a Snape, being my son was going to make some things more difficult. Growing up I felt helpless and weak, as I sat there in the Malfoy's sitting room watching Alexander play I knew why him not speaking was such a big problem with me even if there is nothing wrong, I was worried that without his ability to speak he too would feel as I did, and that I knew was something I would not wish upon any child, let alone my own. I want Alexander to grow to be confident and proud, to know he will never be helpless. I want him to grow knowing he is perfect in the eyes of those who love him and that he has the strength to accomplish anything he desires, but I worry that his inability to speak may cause insecurity to rise and discourage him.

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