Some Things are Worth the Wait

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I was quickly becoming frustrated. For todays lesson the second years were to brew a basic Dreamless Sleep, a potion I thought was going to be a nice balance of ease while still being a strong challenge.  Apparently I was incorrect and thought too highly of these students as most of them could not seem to do without blowing up a cauldron. I was just about to give another student a good lecture on what they must have done wrong, besides being a complete incompetent fool, when I hear something I was starting to think I'd never hear. From the back of the classroom by the door a small call of "daddy" could be heard. But I knew that voice, not from words, only laughs and sound effects. Alexander. Quickly my dungeon bastard persona falls as I turn to my three year old son standing in the door frame. As I turn to give the three year old my attention, the whole class goes quiet. I bend at my knees to be at his level by the time his small legs reach me. He is quite small for his age, Draco has a good four inches on him in height. He moves himself so close to me he is practically in my robes, I run my hand through his straight auburn hair, trying to comfort.

"What's the matter love?" I whisper

All I get in reply is another mumble of "daddy". I look at the clock for time, trying to figure what he could want. Looking him over he does not seem harmed nor scared. Going through a list in my head I stop at one option,

"Darling, are you hungry?"

With this I actually receive a soft nod. With a smile I leave a quick kiss to his forehead. I usually try and keep my persona in place but when Alexander is involved I do not let it get in the way of my parenting.

"Then call for Mipsy, you know she adores you and will get you whatever you desire."

I get another nod in return. A smile in place I let the child latch to my torso in a hug for only a moment before sending him on his way back to our chambers. After he is well on his way I slip my persona that has made me the most disliked teacher among other houses back on and return to work. Though the students have obviously not improved in the last five minutes, and their potions they are trying to call Dreamless Sleep are horrid I can not bring it within myself to yell. All I can think of is the fact that Alexander has finally spoken, meaning he will be able to talk by the time he enters school. Putting that fact aside, it is what he said that means the world to me. I started to accept that I would never hear my son's voice, that he would just learn sign language and that would be how it went. I sat in envy as I heard Draco call for Lucious but accepted that it was nothing I would ever hear from my own. So after having accepted the saddening fact, to be proven wrong in all areas was more than enough to make my day, I knew that no matter how horrid my students did this week, nothing they could mess up would ruin the joy and over all love that is radiating through my body over one single, quiet word.

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