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Camila woke up the next morning engulfed in the arms of her childhood best friend. She dared not to move. She didn't want Lauren to wake up and have her stop holding the younger girl. Little did she know that the green eyed girl woke up about ten minutes earlier, but was thinking the same thing.

Lauren's mind was racing insanely fast. She knew that she needed to talk to Camila more about this situation and Camila's past, but she just wanted to live in this small happy moment where her true feelings are free.

Lauren decided that she would try to bring it up tonight. Logan was going to a sleepover at her friends house so they had the apartment to themselves to talk.

Camila noticed how Lauren was staying completely still, almost like she was dead. That scared Camila a bit, which caused her quickly flip over onto her opposite side.

She was reassured when she saw Lauren's eyes wide open, looking right into hers.

"Hi" Lauren finally broke the silence as they were still making intense eye contact.

Camila was then side tracked by the older girls lips.

It's literally eight in the morning and she's already thinking about how they would feel connected to her.

She decides that she doesn't have to wonder what they'll feel like, and swiftly moves her head up a bit and captures Lauren's plump lips.

The courageous act definitely surprises Lauren.

After a quick moment of realization, Lauren finally responds to the action.

Though the kiss wasn't long, or couldn't be characterized as a make out session, it still meant everything to the two of them. They didn't need it to be long to be meaningful and make their hearts beat out of their chests.

Not too long later they disconnected their lips.

"Good morning." Camila said with a cute giggle. "You're adorable." Lauren replied, feeling as if she could truly speak her mind now. Camila honestly didn't know how respond to that. Words couldn't sum up how she felt when Lauren said things like that.

So she just blushed and looked the other way in an attempt of hiding her pink cheeks.

"So I was thinking that we could talk tonight, just about everything in general. Logan won't be here, so we can just have a nice peaceful conversation." Lauren kind of half requested and half stated.

"Okay sounds good." Camila showed no hesitation towards accepting Lauren's offer.

"I just want to talk about like what's gonna happen in the future, and I really want to know like your story over the past decade." Lauren slid an arm underneath Camila's back while they were still lying down.

"I want to talk about something else too." Lauren added, feeling nervousness build up in the pit of her stomach as she brought up the topic that was waiting to be talked about. "And what's that?" Camila was actually clueless by this point; her head was still spinning from that chaste kiss. "Well, I mean, we kissed..a few times, so..." Lauren kind of trailed off, not knowing what to say next.

"Oh, yeah, okay." Camila was a little nervous about this 'talk' now, but Lauren obviously has to kind of maybe like her; they've kissed twice.

Lauren noticed Camila's state and immediately tried to calm her a bit. "No, no, it's not gonna be like this big conversation. I just want to talk about what's going to happen next with us."

Camila looked up, now less nervous about tonight. 'Us' Camila thought. Oh how nice it would be if there was an us.

"Is that okay?" Lauren wanted to make sure that she had Camila's consent for the topic of conversation later. "Of course."

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