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After spending a while with her father, Lauren decided it was time to go home, as Mike's nurse came and gave him his sleeping pills. So the couple hugged him goodbye and promised they'd be back soon.

On the way back down to the lobby floor, the green-eyed-girl could not stop talking about how great the visit went. When they were first coming into the hospital, a few hours before, she suspected this would be her last time seeing her father, and that she would have to say her goodbyes. She was wrong. And happily wrong.

"It was just so amazing to see him, ya know? After hearing about how bad he was doing from my mom, this is such a surprise." Camila couldn't help but grin widely at the girl who was so ecstatic. She loved seeing her girlfriend happy.

Lauren noticed the blatant staring, that Camila intentionally didn't try to hide, and looked over at the younger girl. "Can I help you?" She asked with a huge smile still plastered on her face.

Camila playfully thought for a moment. "Hm, yes you actually can."

"How? If I may ask." She replied, slightly confused as that wasn't the answer she was expected, but also amused by the face-eating grin on Camila's face.

Camila quickly answered, as she knew exactly what she wanted. "Kiss me."


Lauren had absolutely no hesitation. She never had to think when it came to that one request. So she stopped the two as they were still on their way out to the car.

The darker haired girl smiled as she saw how happy Camila looked right now. She felt the same way. She had been so much more happier since Camila had came back into her life that if she were to leave or if something happened to her, Lauren didn't know what she'd do. Camila had slowly become a part of her. She was included in Lauren's daily routine. Lauren had to wake up next to her, had to make breakfast with her, had to spend most of her day with her, and lastly had to fall asleep cuddled up with her. If she were to lose Camila, it'd be like losing a piece of herself. She knew it sounded a little crazy to be that invested into a girl who she had just not too long ago been reconnected with, but she feels as if the time paused when Camila wasn't around. Like her life had stopped and started when she came back into the older girls life.

When their lips finally connected, Lauren knew. She knew Camila was her home. She didn't need anything. None of these material things in her life didn't matter. As long as she had the younger girl, she was home.

Camila sighed a happy sigh as their lips disconnected. "I love you." She smiled.

That was cute. "I love you." Lauren reminded the brown eyed girl, though she knew she already knew of this.


"Are you sure you have enough snacks and drinks for the way home? Because I can run to the store and get some, or you guys can take anything from the cabinets if-"

Lauren interrupted her mother mid-sentence.

They were finally going back home and her mother was freaking out about their drive back, which wasn't even too long.

"Mom we'll be fine." The green eyed laughed a bit at her mothers worrying.

Clara knew that Lauren was joking, but she just wanted to make sure that they were set for the way back home. "Okay, but if you're hungry on the way back, it's not my fault." Clara warned her.

Lauren chuckled and brushed her mother's frantic attitude off. "Camz?" She yelled up the stairs. "Are you almost ready, babe?" She said as she grabbed the bags from in front of the door in preparation to leave.

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