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The girls both agreed to only staying at Lauren's old house for a few days. So in those few days, they knew that they were going to have to max out their time there. They were do as many things, look back on as memories and have as much fun as possible.

On their last full day there, the girls decided to go and visit their old favorite hide-out.

They accidentally found it one day when they got lost on the way home from school. It was their first day of middle school, and they both forgot the way home, so they just wandered aimlessly hoping that they would be able to get back safe. They ended up stumbling across the fort in the woods and decided to call it their own. Of course they shared it with a few friends, but it was always Camila's and Lauren's special place.

So when Lauren suggested that for their last day, Camila had absolutely had no hesitation against it.

It did take some time to find it, as the leaves around it covered the entrance.

"Oh my gosh, Laur, look!" Camila squealed as she pointed to the old hand-made swing hanging from a weak tree. The girls used to spend their days talking and taking turns on the swing they made out of some rope and a piece of wood.

Lauren was astonished that the old thing was still being held up by that dead-looking tree. "I'm just surprised this thing is still here. The tree looks like it's about to give out and fall apart." She said as she held onto a piece of the rope and swing the swing back a forth a bit.

"Look, Lo, the old lights are still here." Camila pointed up to the battery powered Christmas decorations hanging loosely across the trees.

Lauren looked up and smiled at the memory of putting them up. "They always made it look so nice in here."

"Wanna know my best memory in here?" Camila said with an excited tone.

"Lemme' hear it."

"The one when I first realized that I liked you." Camila admitted.

The brown eyed girl said it in a nonchalant tone, but it didn't fail to make Lauren's heart beat erratically.

"We were sitting here," Camila pointed to the faded rug on the dirt ground, "under these lights, and we were playing some random card game, and I remember when you won, you were like jumping in excitement." Camila smiled during her sentence. "You just had this huge grin your face, and like I knew that I had feelings for you that went deeper than just friends."

The confession made Lauren almost tear up. Camila never failed to make her feel like she was the only girl in the world. She made Lauren feel so loved.

"You are incredible." Lauren said in a hushed tone as she closed the space between the two girls.

After breaking the kiss, Camila started to wander around the hid-out and reminisce on the old good times that they had here.

"Lo, look at this!"

"What?" Lauren walked over to look at what Camila was so excited about.

What Lauren saw made her heart melt even more than it already was.

Her heart began to race as she read the inscription in the tree which read "LMJ + KCC"

Camila giggled a bit as she thought about the time that she carved this into the old oak tree. "I remember the day that I did this. We were probably like thirteen and we had just gotten back from a beach trip to your beach house with your family. We were dead tired, but we had to come to the hide out to put all of our shell and other various things we found at the beach away. You were organizing everything, like usual," That comment did not go unnoticed by the other girl and earned a small chuckle from her, which evidently made Camila smile, as that was her favorite sound in the entire universe. The two girls could go to see Beyonce and listen to the heavenly sound that is the queen, and it still would not even come close to comparing to the sound of a happy Lauren expressing her joy through her adorable laugh.

"And I was just thinking of the amazing trip we had, and how throughout it you somehow made me fall even harder for you. So I grabbed a little pocket knife that we had lying around, which now that I think about it, was crazy unsafe, but I got it and carved what I hoped would one day be us." She finished, while lightly stroking the carving in the wood.

After Lauren didn't reply for a moment, Camila looked up to see a sight that made her heart race. The green eyed girl was staring at her with pure adoration. Lauren looked at her like she was the only person left on the entire earth. She looked at Camila like a new mother looked at her baby. Like a happy man looked at his new bride. Like someone in love would look at the one who made them undeniably happy.

"I love you." Lauren blurted out. That was all she could say. She didn't know how to sum up all of the emotions she was feeling in that moment. She needed Camila to know how she felt, and how she was pretty sure she would always feel.

Before Camila could even reply, with what would be that same exact answer, Lauren interrupted her, as she was thinking of the worst possible outcome to her confession. "You obviously don't have to say it back. We just started dating, and, ya know, we hadn't seen each other for a decade, so I completely understand if you can't say it yet."


"I shouldn't have said yet, because I obviously don't know if you'll ever feel that way about me, but I just need you to know how I feel because I've felt this way for so long and I cannot keep it pent up inside me anymore,"


"I just needed to tell you because I've been wanting to tell you for a while and, I couldn't keep it in me anymore, so I'm sorry if I jumped to things to fast in the relationship, but I just can't help myself,"

"Lauren I-"

"I mean, you're you, ya know, you're Camila. You're Karla Camila Cabello. The girl that I have been infatuated with since we were a couple of high schoolers."


That made Lauren finally stop her nervous rambling.

"I'm trying to tell you that I love you too here." She said nonchalantly as if it wasn't a big deal.

Lauren opened her mouth to say something, as she was fooled by Camila's tone. But when the words that Camila had said finally registered in her mind, she stopped in her tracks.

The older girl's eyes widened and she almost started tearing up. She didn't know what else to do in that moment, so she did the thing that she knew would explain all of her feelings that she could not put into words and tell verbally.

This action didn't disappoint Camila one bit, as Lauren's lips were like a safe haven to her.

She felt safe in the darker haired girl's arms. She felt as if none of the dangers of the world could get to her. She felt protected from anything and everything out there that could possibly hurt her. She knew that Lauren would protect her no matter what. She knew she was finally safe.

For now...


I'm sorry in advance...

Also I'm sorry that this is so short, my loves.

I don't like proof reading btw.

I hope you liked this chapter!!

Don't forget that I love you and that you matter so so so so so so so much!!

Have a great day! :) - J😘😘

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