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Saying Lauren was scared was an understatement.

She was terrified.

It had been over two days since Camila went missing and she fears that something terrible had happened.

Lauren knows that Camila is strong, but she's so small. Someone could have easily kidnapped her and that's what scared her the most. Someone could have literally just picked her up and left with her.

The police are still searching but they told Lauren not to set her expectations too high. They told her that it's best to know that there is a chance that Camila is not alive and that's what broke Lauren the most. Camila could be gone. Her  Camila could actually be gone forever.

Logan has been asking about the brunette nonstop. Lauren told her that she was visiting her parents so that the young child would not worry. She just doesn't know what she's going to tell her daughter if Camila actually is dead.

Camila could be dead.

Even the slight thought of the girl brings Lauren to tears.

Even though having Camila mad at her was not the best thing in the world, she would do anything to go back to that occurrence a few nights ago. She wanted to hold Camila. She wanted to keep her safe. But Camila isn't here.

She just loves the girl so much that she cannot stop the physical pain that being away from her brings. Whenever she thinks of the brown-eyed-girl her heart cannot help but skip a beat. Her resting heart rate must be fucked up because she cannot keep her mind off of the younger girl.

It hurts to know that Camila could literally be anywhere. She's been missing for over 48 hours. She could be in Mexico for all Lauren knows. Hopefully alive.

Lauren's ongoing thoughts about the girl halted when she heard her phone ring.

She's been attached to her phone more than a 16 year old girl over the past two days. Just hoping and praying that she will get a call that they found Camila.

"Hello?" She answers before even looking at the caller ID.

"Lauren?" She hears the familiar yet very shaky voice let out.

Lauren cannot believe it. She knew she had to keep being optimistic and something good would happen.

"Camila! Where are you? Are you safe? Why did you lea-" She was cut short by the girl.

"Lauren! I'm safe for now."


"What? For now?"

"Yes. For now." The raspy voice got quieter and quieter.

She didn't answer Lauren's other questions.

"Where are you, Camila?" She said in a more stern voice hoping the girl would answer.

Camila paused for a minute though her shaky breathing was still audible. "I can't tell you."

"What? Why not?" This made Lauren more confused than she had been over the duration of these last few days.

Camila hesitated again. "Listen, if I tell you what happened you have to promise not to tell the police, okay? If you do he'll kill me."

All of this was just causing Lauren more and more confusion.

"Who's going to kill you, Camila?" She says in a worried tone.

"Just promise me, Lauren."

"Uh, okay." The green eyed girl just wanted to know where her girlfriend was and that she was safe.

Camila paused yet again seemingly contemplating how she wants to word her answer to not give away her location. "Before I found you again, I was living on the streets." She stated with even shakier language than before. "To afford food and clothing, I had to borrow money." As the story went on Lauren got even more scared of what the outcome of the whole situation is going to be. "I made a promise that I would pay the money back, but I haven't. The man I borrowed from said that he heard I was living in a big apartment and was seemingly doing well now. He sent someone over to the apartment the other day to kidnap me and try to get even more money than I had borrowed from me because according to him I am 'well off' now. I told them I didn't have the money yet and then they knocked me out." Camila let out a small sigh as if she was relieved to get all of that information out.

It took a minute for Lauren to compose herself. She hated the thought of Camila once being homeless and having to fend all for herself. She just wants to keep Camila safe and provide for her, forever.

"Well, where are you now, Camila?" Her pleading voice made Camila's heart wrench.

With tears in her eyes Camila proceeds to bare the bad news with the black haired girl. "I can't tell you, Lauren. He says I have to pay him back for everything I took from him before he lets me go."

"Name a price. I'll happily give him the money if it means I can have you back." Lauren says desperately.

Camila swallows hard before responding. "He doesn't want money from me anymore." She says in a barely audible voice.

Lauren was confused for a moment.

"How does he want you to repay him, Camila?" She says in a hard tone, thinking she already knows the answer.

She hears Camila gasp. "He's coming. I'll call you soon. Please do not worry about me. This is my mistake I have to take care of. I love you and Logan so much and I'll be home soon. I promise."

Before Lauren can respond she hears the click indicating the other line has hung up.

She knows she cannot go to the cops with this new information. She cannot put Camila into that kind of danger. Her heart is happy to know that Camila is alive but it aches to know that she is being held against her will while this man makes her do God knows what. Lauren has a pretty good feeling she knows what it is but she does not want to admit it to herself. Hopefully he is just having Camila do his chores like his laundry and dishes. Deep down she knows that's not true but she can still hope.

Though she is restricted to alert the police, she knows she has to do something herself. She cannot just sit by while Camila goes through this. She has to save the girl. She has to save the girl she loves.


hey yall

so i started college

and it's been almost a year since i updated oops

sorry this is such ass but i promise i will be updating often

no bullshit this time

this is for real not for fake

ilysm -j

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