chapter 4- Castiel

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"Hiya Castiel. I'm Dean. Dean Winchester." The man, Dean, goes forward to shake my hand.

"Huh, funny thing ya know? My soulmate's name is Dean." I state awkwardly, trying to make some conversation. I'm not good when it comes to people-ing

"Can I borrow a pen?" Dean asks out of the blue. I run to my desk at the back of the store and grab one.

"Here you go. What do you need it f- Woah!" Dean cuts me off by grabbing my hand.

"Look." he tells me, glancing down at our hands. He uncaps the pen I lent to him and starts to write on his hand. The words "It seems we have met at last." appear on my hand as he writes it on his. We both stand frozen for a second, staring into each other's eyes in shock. I can't believe this is actually happening. Charlie interrupts us by producing a pride flag out of her bag and promptly throwing it into our faces.

"Cassie you didn't tell me you talked to your soulmate!" Charlie shouts at me, breaking our trance.

"well you didn't ask!" I shout back. "So you're Dean. You're my soulmate." I breath in astonishment. "There's still a pride flag on top of us." I notice.

"Yeah I guess so." Dean replies.

"Okay, if Dean's soulmate is a bookstore owner does that mean I get free books?" The other man asks, breaking the silence. We all burst out into a fit of giggles, easing the mood back into a less awkward one.

"This is my nerdy brother Sam." Dean introduces the man to me.

"Okay if you my soulmate's brother, books are on the house." I allow.

"So... if you're going to be with me you need to always remember one thing." I start. "I may love my cat more than you." I joke.

"Was that what the furry thing on your head was?" Sam wonders.

" Yes, that would be my cat, Blue." I answer. "Come 'ere Blue." I shout into the store. Blue meows loudly from above as a response. We all look up to find Blue on the ceiling fan right above us. The ceiling fan was spinning slowly making Blue spin round and round. I sigh audibly. "Blue, get down here and meet Dean." I chastise. Blue jumps from the ceiling fan to the shelve that is near by and sits. The shelves are relatively high, maybe eight or so feet. "Blue..." He jumps off the book shelve, onto a ledge on top of the display window, and from there on top of my head. I sigh yet again. "This is Blue."

Sam and Charlie stay to browse through the books while Dean and I head upstairs to chat and get to know each other.

"What kind of tea do you want?" I ask Dean.

"Oh, uh... I'm not really a tea kind of-" Dean starts but I cut him off.

"Chamomile it is then!" I decide for him. "Honey?" I ask

"Ye-yeah sure." Dean stutters. People tend to think I'm a quiet
book store owner, which I am, but when it comes to my tea I am vicious. Everyone gets tea. Everyone. I finish making up our tea. I put a bendy straw in each cup. I love me some bendy straws. Bendy straws are the best. I come back into my small living/ dining room and set down the tea. I don't put any coasters down. I like the way marks from the hot mugs make my paint-chipped table look.

"uh Cas, why are there bendy straws in our cups." Dean asks, confused. He acts like he's never seen a bendy straw in a cup of tea before.

"Everyone needs bendy straws in their life." I reply.

"An interesting philosophy." Dean jokes. I can't believe we've met at last. And charlie did't even tell me she knew my soulmate!

After more tea and light conversation Dean had to leave. "Bones and Slushie will go crazy after being apart from me and Sammy for so long. Especially Sammy." Apparently Bones is Sam's dog, a golden retriever mix, and Slushie was Dean's husky and black lab mix. Both were rescues. Dean said Slushie was also a little quirky, not as quirky as Blue, but still pretty quirky. Bones on the other hand was a relatively normal dog.

Dean left his contact in my phone so we could text and arrange more meetings. I hope to see him soon. Maybe he'll be able to move in sometime soon. I jump off my bed where I had gone to stretch out (and contemplate existence). I grab my phone, deciding to call Gabriel. He answers on the third ring.

"I need you here stat. Bring candy, I'll cover the ice cream." I say with no greeting whatsoever.

"Despite the fact that I am concerned to why you need these things, I thought you'd never ask!" Gabe just rolls with it. That's what I like about Gabriel. You can just say stuff like "Be here in five, bring balloons and shaving cream." and he'll come with that and a platter of cheese.

Gabe arrives not soon after with an armful and bag full of candy. I swear he has a candy addiction. Without saying anything a beckon him upstairs. I can tell he is concerned for my well being. As soon as he gets up the stairs I grab him arm and take him to my room instead of the table.

"We're going to be twelve year old girls and have a sleep over celebration thing." I state as bluntly as I can, trying not to smile. We both burst into a fit of giggles. Me and Gabe always keep two changes of cloths at each others houses for this exact reason. We settle on my bed.

"So.. mind telling me what we're celebrating?" Gabe asks. I hold out my left hand, acting like I just got engaged.

"Guess who met their soulmate?" I say dramatically. Gabe tackles me.

"Oh my god! Congrats Cassie!" We stay up the whole night (Gabe wanted every detail.) We eat candy the whole time till we pass out around noon.

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