Chapter 7- Dean

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       I hum an old rock song, something about a wayward son and carrying on. Weird. I place the now sanded piece I've been working on down on the worktable and punch my time card, I can't wait to see Cas. That little blue-eyed nerd. As I get into baby I can't help but think "God, I love that fluffy-haired dork." and I think it's really true, I love him. As I pull up next to Blue's my arm starts to burn, tears come to my eyes just from the pain. Oh god Cas!

       "Cas!" I shout as I run into the book store. Oh god-fu-dammit he better have just burned his arm cooking or something. I bolt up the stairs. "Cas! Cas where are you." He isn't here. Why isn't he here. I glance down at my arm for the first time. There's a pair of Golden Wings on my arm. I start to panic. There wasn't a discussion about getting a tattoo. You have to have a signed paper to get a tattoo. Both parties have to consent. A tattoo of this detail would take at least an hour, but it didn't. That can mean only one thing. Soul ink. But soul ink only shows when one soulmate die- No! He can't be. No. He isn't. No. NO! "Cas!" I shout, my voice breaks. He can't be gone. He can't be gone. He can't be go- my phone vibrates in my back pocket.

       "Is this Dean Winchester?" The soft voice asks.

"Who's asking?" I question, "This is a bad time."

"Sir, this is Kansas Heart hospital. We are calling on behalf of Castiel Novak, you are listed as an emergency contact." The now impatient voice says.

"Cas? Is he okay? Where's Cas." I demand. If they have Cas then he might be. I don't myself finish that thought. "I'm on my way." I say, then hang up.

       I burst through the hospital doors and run to the front desk. "Where's Cas?" I demand. The lady at the front desk looks up and my panic stricken face.

"Last name?" She asks.

"Novak." I rush.

"Are you Dean Winchester?" I don't have time for all these questions.

"Yes." I need to see him already.

"I.D.?" She asks. "This is ridiculous" I think but give her my drivers licence.

"Room 221, B wing."

       I run up the stairs without saying good bye to the receptionist, there's no time for that. I need to see Cas. I burst through the door to Cas' room. "Cas!" I shout. Cas is laying on the bed, unconscious, but alive. I run over and grab his cold hand. "Oh god, Cas. What did you do?" I whisper.

       "You must be Dean." I whip around to find a nurse in the doorway. "First of all, I'm supposed to give you this." She hands me my drivers license

"Oh, thanks." I say, my hand still on Cas'.

"Second," she continues "Let's talk about Castiel here. He was found near Marshall Bridge by a passerby. Marshall Bridge is a common place people jump off of, so at first we thought he was a suicide but when the ambulance arrived he was found barely alive. He died three times on the way to the hospital and was successfully revived all three times. After running tests on his blood It has been determined that he overdosed, on what we're not sure. It seems to have been forced due to bruising on his arms, chest, and back. He is now in a coma."

"He'll wake up, though. He'll wake up, right?

"I'm sorry Mr. Winchester, but the chances are slim. Just be glad there's brain activity."

       I don't respond. How could I respond to that. He's practically dead.

One Day Later

He'll wake up

One Week Later

He's gonna wake up. He better.

One Month Later

Is he gonna wake up...

Two Months Later

"Sir I'm sorry."

Three months later

"Sir, it's time to start thinking about pulling th- [null] [not speak] [not dead] [null]

Four months later

"Sir, it's time."

 May 11th, 2017 1:04 pm, Thursday


May 11th, 2017 1:05 pm, Thursday


May 11th, 2017 1:06 pm, Thursday


 May 11th, 2017 1:06 pm, Thursday

"Hello Dean."

Drawings- a Destiel soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now