Chapter ①

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Chapter ①


Two weeks. I'm spending two weeks in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Rome, Italy.

I guess I'm biased considering I've never been to Europe before. And normally I wouldn't do something as crazy as going out of the country without my parents, but I'm technically going for school purposes. My best friend, Mia, and I have been doing volunteer work with our favorite teacher, Mrs. Banks, since freshman year. In May, she got in contact with her cousin, Victoria, who lives in Italy through Facebook.  They started catching up, recalling all the times Mrs. Banks used to visit as a kid. Then a week before school ended Victoria asked Mrs. Banks if she wanted to come down sometime at the end of the summer and help put on a little musical to end summer camp with her preschoolers. Seeing it as not only a wonderful opportunity to visit the beautiful "eternal city," but also as an volunteer opportunity that is too good to pass up, Mrs. Banks asked Mia and I if we wanted to come.

After discussing it with our parents, rearranging schedules, and booking flights, long story short, we're going to Rome!

Pushing open the top of my small navy blue suitcase, I carefully layer the piles of clothing inside. Since Europe is an ocean away I'm trying to pack as little as possible, but looking down at my now stuffed suitcase, I think I'm going to have to sit on top of it in order to get it to close.

A soft knock echoes throughout the room and I look over my shoulder to find my mom standing in the doorway.

"Do you need any help packing?" She asks taking a step inside.

I take a step to the side to reveal my overflowing suitcase. "Does it look like it?"

She laughs with a shake of her head and comes over to help me close my overflowing suit case. I push down on the top of it while she holds the zipper chains together and drags the zipper around to the other side of it. Once I'm sure its not going to spontaneously burst back open, I sigh and we both take a step back to examine it. The zipper looks pretty strained, but at least I know I have everything. All I have to do is slip my toiletries into the front pocket tomorrow morning and finish packing up my carry on.

"All right, well, do you think you have everything?" My mom asks and I pull my suitcase off my bed, letting it land with a thud against the floor.

"I think so."

She nods, taking a step back. "Do you have your passport?"

"Yes." I nod, giving the necessary flight documents on my nightstand a knock with my fist.

"Good, good." She nods and yawns as she heads back towards the door. "Oh," she turns back around. "We bought international coverage for this month, so you can call whenever."

I smile and she sends me a smile back, but I can tell it's strained. I walk back over to her and wrap my arms around her, breathing in the smell of her perfume mixed with the lavender laundry detergent on her clothes. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," she mumbles resting her head against the top of mine for a second before squeezing me with all her might.

"C-Can't breathe," I mumble as her arms continue to restrict the oxygen flow to my stomach and she laughs releasing her hold on me.

"Love you." She places a quick kiss to the top of my head before stepping out into the hallway.

"Love you, too." I walk back over to my bed as she closes the door halfway behind her.

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