Chapter ②④

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Chapter ②④


I open my eyes before reaching over and grabbing my phone. Cringing at the brightness, I shut off my alarm and then place it back on the nightstand. I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes only to hear my phone beep again. Grabbing it, I see it's a text from Adeline.

Happy birthday M-dog! You're 18 you old fart <3

A grin stretches across my lips before I throw back the covers and get up to start getting ready.

After a special birthday breakfast and a big wet kiss on the cheek from my mom, I find myself walking out the door and heading to school with a silly smile on my face. I drop my gym back off in the locker room and on my way to my locker a few happy birthdays and pats on the back are thrown my way.

"Happy birthday!" I lose my balance as someone jumps on my back, but then I look down and see wiggling grey converse and I instantly know who it is. I look over my shoulder and am met with smiling blue-grey eyes. How she managed to jump on my back with my backpack on, I will never know. She lets out a little squeak when I spin us around and then walking over to my locker I place her feet back on the ground as well as my backback.

"Thank you," I say and she smiles.

"You're welcome." I find myself leaning down trying to see if I can possibly get a quick kiss even though we're at school. She looks up at me shyly through her lashes, but starts leaning up to meet me halfway.

"Happy birthday!" Someone calls behind me and I reluctantly turn around to find Mia holding a happy birthday balloon.

"Thank you, Mia," I say and she sucks in a breath.

"Did I," She points between Adeline and me, "just interrupt something?"

"Yes," I say as Adeline blurts out a, "No." Mia laughs and Adeline slaps my arm, but I just take the opportunity to grab her hand.

"Here," Mia shoves the balloon string in my opposite hand. "I'll let you two get back to... whatever." Then she scurries away with a wink in Adeline's direction.

"So..." I say turning back to Adeline.

"So..." she echoes.

"Where were we?" I smirk and she meekly shoves  at my chest with the hand I'm not holding, except she ends up shoving me with a little silver gift bag.

"Oh, this is yours." She laughs holding it out for me and I shake my head.

"I told you not to get me anything."

"Yeah, yeah." She swings it in front of me. "Just take it, but don't open it in front of me." I sigh and go to grab it, but then use it to pull her towards me.

I lean my forehead against hers. "Thank you."

She gives me a small smile. "You're welcome." I tuck a loose stand of hair behind her ear and lean down again.

"Happy birthday, Man!" Adeline jumps away from me and we turn to find Ben and Andrew making there way towards us. I cover my face with the balloon in my hand holding back a groan before letting it bounce back in the air.

"Thanks guys." I send them a smile before the first bell rings and everyone starts to slowly shuffle around us.

"I guess we'll see you later then." Andrew says and flicks the balloon before him and Ben walk off. In the corner of my eye I see Adeline trying to discreetly walk away into the crowd of moving people. I raise my brow at her and she ducks her head down a little in attempt to his the sheepish smile on her face.

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