Chapter ①④

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Chapter ①④

"Today's the day!" Mrs. Banks sings and claps her hands as all the kids are hurried back stage.

I clutch the clipboard and peek out the curtain. All the parents are chattering away as they settle in their seats. I've never been big on crowds, but I'm excited for the kids.

"Hey beautiful." I jump and turn to face a grinning Mason.

"Hi M-dog," I drawl, but instead of replying I watch as his eyes scan over my body. My cheeks heat and I begin to regret the decision of wearing the only sundress I packed. In attempt to distract myself I take in his appearance as well. He's wearing a grey v-neck t-shirt, but instead of the usual basketball shorts he's wearing khaki shorts. It's a simple outfit, yet it makes him look just as hot as usual, maybe even a bit more. Wait, did I just call him hot?

Out of nowhere the clipboard is ripped out of my hands.

"Hey!" I whine as Mason dangles it over my head. I jump to try and grab it back, but fail miserably.

"You're going to have to try a little harder than that." He smirks and I glare at him hiding my own smile. I take a step back and we stare at each other, neither of us wanting to be the one to break eye contact. "Fine," he sighs and holds out clipboard. I grab onto it, but instead of letting go he tugs it back to his chest bringing me with it. Now the clipboard is the only thing separating us and that thought makes my cheeks burn. I meet Mason's gaze to see his green eyes are dancing with amusement. Then he leans down and his eyes seem to turn a shade darker. My heart rate picks up and I silently thank the clipboard for being a barrier. He leans down further and I find myself leaning up to meet him.

"Alright Lovebirds, the shows about to start." We both jump back and I turn to face an amused Mia. She comes over, takes the clipboard from Mason, and grabs my hand dragging me behind her. I look over my shoulder to see if Mason's following only to catch him staring at me. "Mason, stop staring at Ade and get your ass moving!" Mia calls out in which Mason smiles and winks at me in response. I just whip my head back around as we all make our way down the side of the stage and stand off to the side where the rest of the gang is.

Moments later the curtain opens and Victoria steps out. "Benvenuto..."

Show time!


As the last kid gets handed off its just us left in the theater. We all help drag away the sets and clean up anything left over from the past two weeks. I still can't believe it's been two weeks.

I'm standing in front of the stage just taking it in one last time. I'm really going to miss this place.

Mia comes over and bumps her shoulder into mine. "I'm going to miss it here too," she says as if she can read my thoughts. I give her a small smile and she loops her arm through mine.

"Alright guys, everyone, come over here," Mrs. Banks says standing next to Victoria on the stage. Everyone comes and stands by Mia and me. "Victoria would like to thank you all for coming and helping out."

Victoria goes back by the curtain and comes back with a gift bag. She walks down the stage and goes over to the boys and gives each of them a bag of chocolate. Then she comes over to us and hands each of us a little jewelry sack. I open mine and pull out a bracelet with a silver chain and blue gems, Mia pulls out one with pink, and Georgia got one in purple.

"Grazie per tutto il vostro aiuto," Victoria says and then Ben goes over and envlopes her in a hug which makes us all laugh as he towers over her with his teenage football body.

He pulls back and waves us over. "Group hug!" Then he grabs Mrs. Banks hand and helps her off the stage and we all come together, hudled in a big group.

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