Chapter ⑥

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Chapter ⑥

"Who was worse?" Mia's face scrunches up as she walks a few steps ahead. "Obviously, Ben."

"No." Georgia shakes her head straightening the four string bracelets on her wrist. "Andrew."

"No, no." I hold a finger up. "Mason was definitely the worst." I angle my body towards the shop we're passing to avoid bumping into the few people walking along side us on the street.

"Oh yeah?" Mia turns her head to look over at me. "Was Mason singing at the top of his lungs?"

"No." I glance up at the sky, the humid air already feeling like a blanket on my skin. "But he could barely walk. At one point he almost face planted the street."

"Seriously you guys?" Georgia angles her head so she can see both of us. "Did you not see Andrew? He didn't just bump into street lamps. He literally tried to walk through every clear store window we passed." I let out a little laugh just picturing him as Georgia brings a hand up to block the sun from her line of vision. "The only way I got him to stop was when I promised to make-out with him." We all stop in front of the theater doors, and Mia and I turn to Georgia with incredulous looks. "What?" She asks, her eyebrows pulling together.

"Well, did you?" Mia and I ask at the same time.

Georgia takes a second to register the question before her mouth drops. "Of course not! Jeez, I'm not that crazy."

We all laugh as I wrench open the theater door. A few kids are running up and down the aisles while Mrs. Banks and Victoria are on stage.

"Oh, girls! Glad you're here." Mrs. Banks greets us and motions for us to join them on stage, while Victoria also sends us a wave. After dodging a few kids I jog up the three wooden steps while Mia and Georgia hop up. "Victoria thought you guys could help the kids choose their parts in the play and maybe get to know them a little better."

"Sedetevi ragazzi!" Victoria calls getting all the kids to come and sit on the stage. Once they're all settled Mrs. Banks hands me the clipboard.

"They're all yours. We'll be back stage if you need us." She grins patting my back before her and Victoria disappear behind the curtain. The kids are now completely silent, unlike how they were two minutes ago, and are staring up at us with big doe eyes.

I gulp unsure of what to do. "Uh." I clear my throat. "Ciao."

"Oh, Adeline." Georgia laughs and slings an arm over my shoulders. "They're just kids." She drops her arm and gives them an enthusiastic wave while flashing them with her big smile. "il mio nome è Georgia."

"Mia," Mia says, also sending the kids a little wave and a friendly smile before all their curious eyes flicker to me.

"Adeline." I smile and a few of the kids nod, but I'm not sure if it's because they understand or if they are just nodding to nod. I glance over at Mia unsure of what to do next, but she brings her hands up in mock surrender.

"Don't look at me. I take Spanish."

I shake my head, silently laughing at her, and look down at the clipboard, noticing they're doing a play on weather. I turn to Georgia. "Should I just go down the list and tally down who wants which part?"

"Ooh! That works. Um, let me think." She snaps her fingers a few times before turning back around to face the kids. "Oh! Alzi la mano." She lifts up her hand, and I glance down to decipher the first thing on the list.

"Um, il sole." I say which means sun and one kid slowly raises his hand making me smile and jot down a tally. "La nuvola." I glance back up as four kids raise they're hands. "Arcobaleno." Three kids raise their hands. "Gocce di pioggia." Five kids raise their hands, and I scan my eyes down the clipboard before looking back up at the kids. I think that's everyone.

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