Chapter ①⑦

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Chapter ①⑦

My breath hitches in the back of my throat and my heart skyrockets to a new rapid pace. Part of my brain is screaming at me for reacting this way, but another part is focused on the warmth that seems to be spreading throughout my body. Warmth that has been missing the last few days, warmth that brings back all the feelings I've been suppressing.

No—this can't happen.

With my head still down, I step out of his grip, but he reaches out to me again.

"Adeline," he whispers.

Someone clears their throat, and I turn to see Ben and Andrew standing a few feet away awkwardly scratching the back of their necks.

"We'll um..." Ben starts.

"Let you two talk," Andrew finishes and they turn around shoving and hitting each other as they turn the corner to another hallway.

I finally look up, meeting his gaze, and instantly regret it. Out of all the expressions I thought I'd see, I never thought it would be hurt. I thought he might be confused, maybe even a little angry, but not hurt.

We continue to stare at each other neither of us seeming capable of looking away.

He takes a step forward, but I take one back. My heart squeezes in my chest at the forlorn look on his face.

He opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it and runs a hand through his hair. He looks away for a second before turning back to me.

"In Rome I met this girl," he starts and my stomach flips. "You see I don't think she liked me very much at first, but then we started talking. We got to know each other and you know I started to like her, I liked her a lot actually." He scratches the back of his neck. "But now she won't talk to me...and I don't know why..."

"I'm—" at a loss for words.

"Adeline, look," he takes a step forward, "I don't know why you've been avoiding me, but I do know that I like you and if you don't—"

"Mason," I cut him off because liking him was never a question. "I-I like you, too." I look back up at him, not sure if he heard, but I watch as a smile stretches across his face. "But we can't," I step back again, and his lips droop.

"But why?" He takes a step forward, minimizing the space I just put between us.

I can't seem to meet his gaze. "Natalia," I whisper unsure if it was even audible.

"Natalia?" He questions making me look up and watch his face contort into utter confusion. "What does she have to do...?" He trails off, and I fidget with my hands. He takes another step forward. "Adeline, we're not together."

I shake my head in disbelief. "But the messages..." I meet his gaze, and he tilts his head to the side in confusion. Then his eyes widen and he shakes his head.

"No, no, it's not like that." He runs a hand through his hair. "Ever since the end of last year Natalia's been constantly messaging me, but I swear we never were an item, and we never will be."

"But on the first day of school—"

"She caught me by surprise," he cuts me off, "I've been avoiding her, or at least trying to." He pauses taking another step forward. "But no matter how hard she tries...she'll never be you."

I bite my lip while my heart takes that sentence as the gunshot to start its race.

"Adeline." He closes the distance between us and brushes a fly away piece of hair behind my ear. "Remember the promise we made on our last day in Rome?" I nod looking away, but he puts a hand under my chin. "Like we said that day, and in that moment, we were both ourselves. No school, no statuses—just you and me. And I wasn't kidding when I re-introduced myself because that was me. The Mason Carter you met on that trip was me. Not the popular version everyone makes me out to be. This is me, standing right here in front of you, the same guy that you sprayed with a hose—twice. The same guy that tickled you senseless just to hear you laugh. The same guy that no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to get you out of his head...And if you give me another chance I'd be happy to prove it to you..." Mason leans his forehead on mine. "Adeline Preston, will you go on an actual first date with me?"

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