Chapter ⑨

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Chapter ⑨


There are two types of girls.

Okay, scratch that.

There are five types of girls.

Okay, no.

There are girls.

Many girls in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and they aren't fruit even though thinking about them like that makes me think about googly eyed fruit faces.

Okay, scratch that, too.

There's this girl.

Her first name starts with an A, and her last name starts with a P. To everyone else she's just shy and smart, but I know better. She raps, dances, and her smile lights up her whole face. She's funny, but not in an in your face kind of way, but rather there's just an extra grumble to her voice and a little glint in her eyes—because she knows she's funny. And she absolutely hates it when I push her buttons because even when she ducks her head, I can still see the pink tint to her cheeks. I don't think she even realizes how often she does it because it seems like every time I look in her general direction, her cheeks turn just the slightest shade of pink.

I roll over and peek open my eyes to catch a glimpse of Adeline as she silently slips out of the room through a small crack in the door. I shake my head smiling to myself. I don't know how she does it.

Pushing back the covers, I grab my phone off the nightstand seeing it's eight o'clock before standing up and heading towards the bathroom. Walking in, you can tell what's mine and what's hers. Her stuff is all together in the corner, on the right side of the counter, while mine is scattered on the left. Even though we've been sharing a room, I still don't understand how she stays so neat all the time. But I do know that everything she uses involves vanilla. She has vanilla shampoo, vanilla body wash, vanilla perfume, and her tooth paste is even vanilla mint.

I've always been a chocolate kind of guy, but I think I'm starting to like vanilla a bit more.


After getting ready I meet up with Andrew and after we eat we head down to the theater. I guess you can say the one thing we have in common is that, unlike the rest of the group, we like to sleep.

As I glance at the city around us, I decide that today I want to see more of that blushing. Instead of riling Adeline up I'm going to be a bit softer like I did that day we had off.

Walking into the theater I see Ben in a tutu and some other items of clothing with Georgia determinedly sewing, and Adeline and Mia standing off to the side, amusement dressing their features.

"Dude." I call out to Ben as we hop on stage. I look down at his attire then back up at his face and shake my head solemnly. "Why?"

"No, don't listen to him," Andrew says on the opposite side of him. " I think it's a nice look for you." He claps a hand onto Ben's shoulder and we share a look before bursting into laughter.

"Yeah, yeah," Ben huffs shrugging Andrews hand off and crossing his arms. "So funny."

"Aw Benny, don't be sad." Mia coos coming up and patting his head, but he quickly swats her hand away. "You look good in rainbow." He turns his head and glares at her in which she just sends him a cheeky smile back.

"Why aren't any of the girls wearing the clothes?" I ask passing a quick glance to one grey-blue eyed girl in particular.

"What's the fun in that?" Mia answers tilting her head to the side as her and Ben continue their stare down.

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