Chapter ⑧

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Chapter ⑧

"Well, that's just great."

"I'm glad you think so."

"Do you not know what sarcasm is?"

Remember what I said a little more than forty eight hours ago? Yeah, I take it back. I thought Mason was annoying when he didn't speak, but now, he's just infuriating. It's like every word that comes out of his mouth just makes me want to slap him. And do you know the best part? He thinks it's funny.

He finds my frustration amusing.

"Mia," I whine and point a finger in Mason's direction. "Keep him away from me."

"What did I do?" He brings a hand up to his chest, feigning innocence.

"You're being a nuisance." I snap whipping my head back around to face him.

"Ooh," He wiggles his eyebrows. "Big word, Ms. SAT." A huge grin breaks out across his lips as a loud groan escapes from mine.

"See!" I point again looking back at Mia, but she just laughs.

"Dude," Andrew calls from one of the side doors. "We need you." He finishes off with a head nod referring to Mason. I look back at Mia and she gestures between Mason and me before forming a heart with her hands. I give her a glare while folding my arms across my chest, defiantly ignoring her actions.

Mason brings out something in me that I'm not really sure I like. I'm normally good at keeping my reserve, but for some reason he's forcing the emotions out of me. Everything's all boiling up and bubbling over the surface. Right now I may be frustrated to the point where it's aggravating, but for some reason I feel like he can see right through it with those damn green eyes if his.

A sigh escapes my lips as I look down at my shoes. I just need to relax and put my focus back into volunteering.

A shadow falls over the tips of my converse and I look up only to see Mason standing right in front of me.

His eyes flicker around us for a second before he leans down. "For the record..." He reaches up, his fingertips lightly grazing my cheek as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "You look really cute when you're mad." A soft smile appears on his lips before he disappears and my mouth drops.

What... just happened?


"Mia! They can't twerk. They're three." I scold half laughing at the scene before me. All the girls, including Mrs. Banks and Victoria, are on stage trying to work out little hand motions and dance moves the kids to do while they sing, but due to having no ideas Mia is twerking, or at least trying to twerk, but inevitably failing.

The song the kids are singing continues throughout the play, each verse being about each part. It starts with all of them together, then each group goes up individually, singing about whatever weather item they are with Victoria narrating, and then they all end together. It seems a tad complicated considering they're only three, but I guess that's why we're here.

"Okay, so Victoria's going to announce the play, and we have the sun coming out first." Mrs. Banks says.

"And then she's going to talk about the sun." Georgia adds and we all nod confirming the only thing we've got so far.

"Okay." Mia claps her hands. "I got it. So after that, the clouds come out and stand around the sun, then the raindrops come in, but we should have them spinning, and then the rainbows come and stand behind everyone, then they all can sing the first part together." She finishes with a clap, smiling proudly at her idea.

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