Chapter 1 - Good Impression

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*~Keith's Point of View~*

Keith clumsily tried to get his socks on. He was running late for school due to him oversleeping. He cursed under his breath and began putting on his shoes.

After getting himself dressed, he raced downstairs and got a granola bar from the fridge. He checked the clock and it was already 7:16.

'Damn it! I gotta take my bike.' Keith's thoughts raced through his mind as he grabbed his bag and keys.

Keith Kogane was a Korean art student studying at Arus Academy. He had a deep interest in painting and sketching so every so often, he would doodle on anything if he had the time. But there was one thing that he kept to himself at ALL TIMES.

He was gay.

Yes, he was attracted to males. He was bullied for it back when he was in middle school. And that's why he had to hide it carefully so it wouldn't happen again.

Everything was gray to him, even though he can see the colors clearly. But it had no emotion. No feeling. He never had a favorite color, because he couldn't feel it.

But there was one time where a splash of color washed him over. It was when he was at the sidewalk, where he stood beside a boy who was waiting for the road to clear. It was impossible to think a random guy would make him feel anything.

But his colors were like a tropical island. The deep blue ocean waves crashing down the shore and the bright blue sky shining brightly. The banana trees swaying along the wind as well as the coconut ones.

Then all of a sudden, gone. Keith never saw it ever again.

Keith arrived at the gate of the academy, parking his motorcycle beside the others. He raced inside, earning a greeting from the janitor before he took a sharp turn to the left.

The ceremony was already starting when he ran in, panting heavily. Some of the students laughed and giggled while the others just gave him weird looks. Heat rised to his cheeks as he took a seat beside a rather large male who looked rather calmer than him.

The principal looked worried but he continued speaking anyway. "Ehem. Well then, as I was saying, I do hope you all enjoy your stay here at Arus Academy. May I wish you all the best of luck this fine year. Also, you will all get your dorm room numbers and the name of your roommates at the Counselor's Office. Good day to you all!"

After those words, the students began getting their bags and filing out the gymnasium, leaving Keith bewildered. No way, it ended already?! He groaned and facepalmed. The large male looked at him wearily and patted his back. "You alright?" He asked.

"Grand. I overslept, I'm famished, and I missed the ceremony. What a great day." Keith said in an angered tone. The other male laughed a bit and patted him a bit longer. "I feel sorry for you. I'm Hunk, what's your name?" He asked once again.

Keith was taken aback. This guy wasn't just going to leave him for dead? Hesitantly, he combed his hair using his fingers. "'s Keith. Glad to meet you?" He greeted awkwardly, raising a hand to let the other male shake it.

Hunk immediately shook it and smiled brightly at him. "Glad to meet you too!"

Keith found his aura appealing. This guy was a bright color yellow. He probably had a very easy-going personality and he liked to help people. He must be a really nice guy if his color is that bright.

It's been a long time since Keith had guessed people's personalities by their color of choice, even if they didn't even tell him what kind of color they did like. It just kinda happened. Especially since living this monochrome life, it has been forever.

Somewhere, a higher pitched voice called Hunk from afar. "Yo, Hunk! We gotta go get the dorm keys before everyone does! It's gonna get packed!" They said.

"Yeah! Just a sec!" Hunk replied back. He turned back towards Keith. He jabbed a finger behind him. "Wanna join us to get the dorm keys? You can find your roommate too, if you want." He asked him.

At first, Keith was surprised, but he grinned a bit and agreed to Hunk's offer. Hunk laughed a bit. "We should get going. Pidge is gonna flip if she doesn't find out which room she's in."

And so, they proceeded to head towards an impatient person who had orange hair and bright green eyes. She puffed out her cheeks. "Took you long enough. Let's go before the line gets longer!"

"Alright, Pidge! But first, here's Keith. Say "hi", Pidge." Hunk said, gesturing to Keith, who was awkwardly standing in place.

"Hi. Pidge Gunderson. Now can we go?" Pidge pleaded. Hunk nodded and now all three of them were racing towards the Counselor's Office.

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