Chapter 2 - Lavender-Colored Harmony

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*~Keith's Point of View~*

As they made their way to the designated Counselor's Office, the three had managed to make a little conversation. It was mostly about their hobbies and ambitions. Hunk was great at cooking and dreamed of being a world-class chef. Well, that was the normal application for people who favored cooking. Pidge, who has been revealed as 'Katie "I will punch your face if you call me Katie" Holt', was incredibly intelligent and wanted to become either a stay-at-home technician or a stay-at-home hacker. Although, a hacker seemed to be too much but Pidge said it's what she wanted. Keith on the other hand, he only said he painted and sketched. He didn't have a choice for a course or an ambition. He only said he was good at art. He didn't add in that he wasn't able to see color, that would make him seem like a maniac.

Keith was highly insecure of what people thought of him, as normal depressed teens do. He didn't go outside often and his paintings mostly consisted of sad, sad, and more sad. Palettes he used were lacking the vibrant color needed to make a joyful picture, since his colors consisted of mostly red and monochrome colors. But he was envious of other people. They can always see color and sometimes feel it. It was rare for Keith to have both.

A crunching noise was heard beside him and Keith turned to the source. Hunk had opened a bag of potato chips and the smell of sour cream filled his nostrils. It was appetizing. He wasn't able to eat breakfast today so obviously his weak stomach required food. The larger male noticed his envious stare and handed the chips to him, making his eyes widen in surprise.

"You looked like you were about to faint from hunger so here! I already ate one of them earlier while I took the train." Hunk offered, grinning ear-to-ear.

The raven haired male's cheeks lit up as he hesitantly took the bag of chips. "T-Thank you..." He quietly thanked. Pidge looked from the side with this cat-like grin on her face.

"Did you really eat breakfast today, Keith?" She asked.

"I ate a granola bar. Does that count?" Keith answered.

Walking past the Music Room, they heard the faint sounds of a piano behind an oak wood door. Both Hunk and Pidge grinned. Although, Keith didn't know why they would do that. Hunk's hand reached for the door handle and turned. They were immediately engulfed in a Chopin's piece. The rapid pressing of the keys filled the room and hallways.

A boy was sitting on the stool, his black and white hair moving in each time he had to stretch to an octave. His obsidian eyes twinkling as he pressed the keys.

In Keith's eyes, he could see a purple halo forming in the boy's body. Countless bubbles of purple floated across the room. Purple, the color of leadership and encouragement. He must be kind-hearted when confronted kindly. And he must give very good advice. Yet, if he was a born leader, why would he be here, playing piano?

Hunk walked over to the boy and wrapped his arm around his shoulders, startling him.

"Yo, Shiro! Why aren't you going to the Counselor's Office to get your roommate and room number?" He asked. The boy, who's name seems to be Shiro, chuckled and removed Hunk's arm gently and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I prefer not to be caught in the middle of a boring line. Besides, the Music Room was empty and open, I couldn't help playing." Shiro explained as a silly grin appeared on his apparently scarred face.

Keith held his breath. The way he played was like running around a field of lavender, not a care in the world and just enjoying your precious time. Eventually, the colors began to fade a little and Keith had to blink to see that he was back to his same old boring monochrome world.

Shiro noticed Keith and smiled kindly at him. He was quite attractive, he must be popular with the students if he has a face of an angel. He stood up, surprising Keith. His physique was built for an athlete and the height difference between him standing and when he's sitting.

The black and white haired male had arrived in front of him, holding out his hand. His lips formed an award-winning smile.

"Hello," Shiro started. "My name is Takashi Shirogane. Though most people tend to call me 'Shiro.' I'm also the student council president of Arus Academy." He introduced himself. Keith nodded, giving him a small grin of his own. The purple halo was showing again. It seems to have answered his question much earlier. He was a leader.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Keith Kogane, exchange student. I'm looking forward to study here." Keith said, not bothering to add more words. Revealing too much of his information discomforts him.

Shiro chuckled. "I think I'm the one who's supposed to say that. But in other words, I give my regards to you as well. I see you've met Hunk and Pidge." He pointed out, gesturing to he mentioned two.

Keith nodded in response and glanced back to the recently played Grand Piano. "You play piano?" He asked, receiving a rather surprised yet
calm expression in return. The other male grinned to one side.

"Yep! Been playing since I was only four. Not the best, but I guess I can play pretty well." Shiro answered, blushing at his own comment. He looked cute and handsome, Keith had to admit. He's not only looks, but he also had such a kind and formally personality. Kinda reminds him of a dad. An attractive and great dad.

"What? You played brilliantly! The way you execute your feelings through the piano was so magnificent that even I could feel your emotions flooding through.Your heart was in the music. I could tell." Keith said, his normally pale cheeks now covered in an excited and flustered hue of pink.

Shiro was surprised by the words that came out of the Korean boy's mouth. His obsidian eyes glimmered and his open mouth closed and turned into a grin. He chuckled and faced his gaze to Hunk.

"You guys found a great guy, Hunk! I'm sure he'll make a great addition to our group." Shiro said, placing his hand on his hip. Hunk answered with a laugh and a smile while Pidge just embedded her eyes on the game she was playing, occasionally moving to fix her glasses.

Keith tightened his grip on his bag. He was both nervous and excited at the same time. He already made friends on the first day! Such a rare event that's happened to him. Though, he was still unsure if they were really going to add him to their group.

'Well, might as well see the outcome tomorrow.' Keith thought. "I guess we should really head to the Councelor's Office now."

"Yeah, we should. Come on, the sooner this is finished, we get Lance and go out to eat." Shiro said, almost professionally.

And so, they finally went to seek out the Councelor's Office.

//I don't fucking know how to schedule my stories I'm a lazy fuck I'm sorry.//

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