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Everything was monochrome as I opened my eyes to the sunlight seeping through the window. It took a while until I had fully got used to the light.

Everyday, I feel that everything is grayed out.

Although I see color, is it really there?

I got out of the house, ready for the usual, boring routine. I had no stock of food in the kitchen so I had to go out and buy from the grocery store.

I sighed as I walked towards the building.

Normally it wouldn't take me too long to buy food. Nor supplies for school. It was night when I finished shopping.

Since when did time go by so fast?

Raindrops of gray and white rained down as people hurried to get to their homes. The sounds of horns blowing from cars mixed with people's voices. It was so noisy, boring, and lonely.

I headed to the side of street, just beside Jennalyn's Bakery. The stop light was green for cars. I had to wait out in this dull rain.

I heard footsteps. Why? I always heard footsteps. But these were much louder. Much more melodious. That's when I turned my head, and saw a guy.

My eyes watched as the colors turned vibrant. Everything was splashed with color, even the water, which used to be plain and white, was now mixed with color.

The color of the umbrella I was holding changed. It wasn't gray anymore. Instead, it was with radiant colors.

We both noticed the light turn red for cars and it was okay to walk now. The guy began to rush towards the other side, the colors leaving with him.

I was awestruck. I felt like I couldn't move.

I have to meet him again.

//This is Mixed P.O.V. It can be either Lance's or Keith's. The first chapter will be 3rd person but with P.O.V. Hoped you enjoy//

Art for the story <3

Art for the story <3

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