Chapter 4: Monday

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Toast wandered into his 2nd period class, taking his seat and glancing next to him to find that Ghost, who took up the seat beside him, and was typically there early had yet to arrive. This was the only class the two shared together, and Toast simply assumed that he was late, perhaps had been held back after his last class, but time dragged on, the beginning of his lesson began, and it became clear to him that Ghost must be absent from school today.

Toast found himself more and more distracted from the lesson he was being taught, and more focused on thinking about Ghost. Where could he be today? Maybe he got sick? What if it were really bad? He contemplated using his phone number Ghost had given him on Friday when they had hung out, but as he slid his hand into his pocket to grasp his phone, he suddenly remembered he was in class.

Well, that didn't mean he couldn't use his phone. It only meant he had to be discreet. Though, glancing up at his teacher he only needed one look at her scornful and strict features to be reminded that this was not a good class to break the rules in. He could talk to him later.

He forced the thought of Ghost from his mind for the time being, focusing on the teachers long and boring words instead.


Soon enough, lunch time came around, and Toast headed for his usual table, looking up at it and then suddenly coming to a stop.

"I thought you weren't here today. You weren't in class." Toast blinked at Ghost, who shrugged at him. He took a seat next to him, frowning at Ghost.

"I just skipped today. No big deal." Ghost grinned at him, and Toast's stared at him with wide eyes.

"You skipped class? Won't you get into trouble for that?" He questioned him, and Ghost only shrugged.

"Maybe. Who cares?"

"You don't care if you get in trouble? What about if you missed something important?" Toast frowned more.

"I always make up my work, no need to worry about that." Ghost chuckled. "I may skip staying in the classroom, but I don't abandon doing school altogether. I'm actually pretty smart. Besides, haven't you noticed by now almost everyone here has skipped their class at least once?"

Toast felt his cheeks flush a little at the question, embarrassed. "Well, I mean.. I have, I just-" Not finding any way to response to that, he simply stopped talking, taking a moment to gather his thoughts to form a sentence. "I mean, I've always.. just followed the rules and done what I'm told.. So I don't understand why people don't."

Ghost watched him for a moment, Toast flushing a little more under his gaze, not meeting his eyes. "Don't you ever do what you want to do? I mean.. listening all the time to everyone makes it sound like you're a robot."

Toast frowned. "Well I.. of course I-we-well.." Toast stopped, thinking for a second. "I haven't honestly thought much on what I want."

"Really?" Ghost asked. He looked a little.. sad. "Well, I've always done what I've wanted to do. I don't ever let anyone tell me there's something I can't do. If I want to do something, well, then I'm gonna do it. That's how I think everyone should be. Don't let someone give you crap for that. Be happy in your own life." He paused, frowning a little. "Unless, following everyone else is what you want to do.."

Toast furrowed his brow at Ghost, thinking for a moment before saying, "so.. you just always do what you want? Even if it's something no one wants you to do?"

"I mean, I respect other people's decisions of course. But mostly, yeah. I just do what makes me happy." He shrugged, before a mischievous smirk appeared on his lips. "Like.. Let's say I wanted to kiss someone. Maybe even you, I'd just go for it." He winked at Toast, who froze, cheeks burning. "As long as you didn't object to it."

Toast opened his mouth, before closing it again, doing this multiple times. He just couldn't form any kind of sentence. Ghost just chuckled, shaking his head at him and wrapping an arm around Toast. "I'm only teasing you, Johnny. My point was, if it'll make me happy.. then I give it a chance. No matter what might happen afterwards."

"I understand.." Toast finally found his voice. "You must be very happy with your life then." He smiled, and Ghost grinned back.

"I am. But really, the question here is.. are you?"

Toast couldn't find a way to answer that question. He thought on it for quite a while, staying silent as he realized that, he really had no clue.

"I don't know." He finally voiced, looking very confused. Ghost frowned for a moment, before realizing how uncomfortable Toast looked, and deciding to change the subject. While the two chattered on about something else, Ghost kept one thought to himself.

If it was the last thing he did, he wanted to make sure Toast felt happy in his own life, like he could do anything he wanted to. He wanted Toast to take some risks, get into trouble, and not always follow the crowd.

Ghost had his mind set, and he was going to get Johnny Toast to let loose.

Unedited, please ignore any typos. If something is unreadable however, let me know so I can fix it(please look at comments above though, one person letting me know is plenty. Thank you).

This one is a bit shorter than the others, not even reaching 1000, but I hope that you enjoyed it anyways. Thank you for reading, I'll try to get new chapters out soon. Bye!-Bob

Oh! Forgot to mention, I plan on trying to post weekly updates, instead of one every three days. This makes it easier on me, and I honestly still may miss some weeks of updating, but I hope you will forgive me on that. I'll continue to try my best to update. ^-^

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