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I love the fact that humans enclose themselves in these tiny bubbles they call... thoughts. Sometimes beliefs, if the thought had been too strong you held onto it for life. We, humans, actually believed that the universe existed and that the world was round. We actually believed in the existence of abstract nouns like faith, hope, love, hatred, anger... and so on and so forth.

We actually believed in the idea of soulmates.

There were many theories circling the concept of soulmates. One said that Zeus divided man into two so it wouldn't be as strong as much. One said that spirits were naturally inclined to find their other half, and later on evolved to souls. One said that soulmates didn't exist. I wasn't the last one, anyway.

But you see, love, this idea of soulmates... is a fake.

A human can live all the years of his life searching for a soulmate who was never proven to be existing and yet they still... look for their other halves. You know what's magical about soulmates?

They make us believe.

They make us believe that you could sing one Disney song and fall in love with the same day. Tinkerbell's fairy dust could make you fly, Snow's apple could kill you, Belle's books are endless... and so on, and so forth, and so I tell you that all those are fake.

But we wanted to believe, still. We wanted to believe that out there, God had someone else in store for us. We wanted to believe that we're actually being prepared for someone better than the people we have met today. We wanted to believe that we have our better, other half. We wanted to believe that we could hold someone's hand just in case life gets hard. We wanted to believe that eventually, these thoughts we tried so hard to keep can be shared with someone else who understands.

But it actually doesn't exist, okay? It's all in our heads.

And that's where love enters.

Love makes us patient. Love tells us to persevere.

Love tells us to believe that we needed someone else. Love leads us to the idea of soulmates.

And you, my love, is the physical manifestation of that damned abstract noun.


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