Chapter 22

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Steve glanced between Bucky and Sam, his mind working through the problem at hand. But no matter how he approached it, there were no real alternatives.

"We're on our own," he murmured to Sam. But he paused when Sam looked back to him with a minute shrug, an equally thoughtful light in his eyes.

"Maybe not," he answered just as quietly, before glancing up at Steve, "I know a guy." And if that didn't spark another idea... Steve's mind was suddenly working again. When it came down to it, they both knew people they could call on. After a few moments they had an action plan worked out. Now they just needed to implement it. It was going to take a little doing, but they'd manage.

They had to.

It was then that Steve turned back to Bucky, heaving a sigh. Sam turned too, fixing the former HYDRA agent with a hard look.

"What are we going to do about him?" What indeed. Bucky still sat slumped against the vise, his cybernetic arm still tightly secured in the industrial machinery. Steve knew where Sam was going with his question. They needed Bucky to get to Siberia and the bunker and they needed his undeniable combat skills, but he was also a huge liability. If they got to Siberia and the doctor was able to activate Bucky's programming again? They were already likely going to be up against five more Winter Soldiers. It was going to be hard enough even if they could get as many others on their side as they hoped. If Bucky were to be forced into fighting against them instead of with them?

But they didn't really have a choice.

"We need him. It's a risk we have to take," Steve answered, meeting Sam's concerned gaze before looking back to Bucky. Sam obviously wasn't entirely happy about it, but Steve could see in the set expression on his face that he understood why. He knew Sam. The former paratrooper could read their situation the same way Steve could; their need outweighed the risk. They needed Bucky on their side. After a moment Sam nodded in agreement, just as Steve knew he would.

"Alright then. I'll make some calls." Steve nodded, running a tired hand over his face as he began running over in his head what needed to be tied up before they left, forcing his own, more personal worries aside; there was no time to dwell on things he couldn't change. They began to ease their way back across the room toward Bucky. It was probably as good a time as any to let him loose. There was little reason to keep him restrained anymore. They were barely halfway across the dusty space when the Captain looked up to Sam, another thought hitting him.

"And the girl's okay where she is?" Before Sam could even open his mouth Bucky's head shot up, his pale eyes wide as they latched on to Steve.

"Girl? What gir—" If it was possible his eye went wider still before his face fell, the man looking utterly defeated. Steve watched, startled, as Bucky's shoulders seemed to slump even further. "Iris," he breathed, his voice choked and hollow. "Did I hurt her?" Bucky looked up as he spoke, his expression nearly desperate. Sam frowned at the restrained man, eying him warily as he hesitated over whose question to answer first. He glanced to Steve for direction, knowing the Captain could still read Bucky better than he could.

But that only set Bucky off.

With a screeching wrench the former assassin jerked forward, his face twisted with anguish and furious desperation, nearly pulling his arm free in his anger. "Damn it! Answer me! Did I hurt her?" His voice broke even as his temper did. The instant the metallic shriek had echoed through the warehouse Steve had taken a quick step forward, gesturing for Sam to back off as he fixed a suddenly coolly feral Bucky with an assessing glance.

"Buck, she's fine," Steve finally said softly, keeping his voice low. It did little to ease the wild look in Bucky's eyes. After a moment he spared Sam an entreating glance, taking in the way the former paratrooper was trying and failing to hide his shock. Sam cleared his throat at the look, still eying the restrained man warily.

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