Lesson 7 - Piggy Back Ride

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Hey guys!
I'm sooo sorry for updating this late! I actualy had this chapter already written, but had some technical troubles...😅😅😅
Anyways, here is the new chapter! Hope you enjoy and thanks so much for the support you've been giving me! It means a lot. Thank you!!!😭😭😭

The next day, (y/n) was waked by the loud noises of the village. She felt cold and her stomach was growling loudly.

She then remmembered the money the boy had given her and smiled to herself. Deep inside her heart she wished she had gone with the boys. She wished she had gone with him.

Her thoughts were interrupted by another loud growl comming from her belly. She had to find/buy food first and then she could mourn all about her decision later.

She went into town in the hope to buy something to eat, but unfortunatly for her, things didn't went as smoothly has she imagined.

With all that had happenened, she had completly forgotten about how badly the villagers treated her, but they hadn't forgotten their hatred at all.

She was cursed and chased out off shop after shop and in the end she ended um not having a bite to eat.

Now she was stuck, back in her previous position, under the bridge with an empty stomach.

How was she gonna manage to survive like that?

Her question was answered by a package, that suddendly falled beside her.

Where did this package came from you ask?

(Y/n) wasn't sure either. The only thing she knew was that the box had appeared out of nowhere and was now sitting by her side, praticly begging to be opened. The girl couldn't contain her curiousity, so after checking if it wasn't some kind of armed trap, she opened the mysterious object.

To her surprise, the package was a lunch box and it was full. (Y/n)'s eyes widened and letting her primitive senses took over for once, she ate all of it without giving it much thought.

She wasn't sure if it was because she was hungry, but that food tasted like heaven to her. Whoever had cooked it was a culinary genius.

Once she was finished and not a single crumb remained, (Y/n) finally took the time to ask the obvious question. Who had gave her such a delicious treat?

She looked around but no one seemed to be nearby, the place was completly desertic.

Then she heard a voice, calling her attention:

"Geez, you sure were hungry, weren't you?"

That voice was far too familiar to pass throughout the girl's sharp senses. (Y/n) got up and runned to the side of the bridge, looking up and locking eyes with a familiar face.

It was Takasugi.

"I was worried, so I sneaked out of temple school... but I didn't expect to find you like this..." - the purple haired boy explained - " Gintoki and Zura stayed behind to cover for me, so they aren't here..."

(Y/n)'s face lightened up. Somehow she could feel butterflies inside her gut. Was that happiness? She was so glad to being able to see the boy again and so soon too.

When had she started to care so much for him and the other two boys? They almost didn't knew each other, yet she felt connected to him, like they had known each other for years. I guess that passing through dangerous challenges together created bonds between people.

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