Lesson 11 - Family

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YES!!! This story is not dead! And I plan on updating once I got some more requests done for my other books!

Until then, Have fun!❤️️❤️️❤️️


After that day, (y/n) kept visiting almost every day.

But, even after all that, she still refused Takasugi, Katsura and Gintoki's offer to become a full fledged student of Shouka Sonjuku.

She was afraid of getting attached to someone ever again. It terrified her. But without she even noticed it, she had become really close to the three boys, specially Takasugi. The more she tried to stay away the harder she understood that was.

She already considered that place her home and all those kids her knew family, wether she admitted it or not. She was happy there and no matter how hard she would denied it, she now cared a lot for it and what it stood for.

But one day, everything changed.

The day started out pretty normally, she came to visit, she even went to the classes (since it had became an habit), but then, at evening, unlike the usual when she just went to goof off her best friends, Shoyo sensei called her in to talk to her in private.

That surprised the three boys, once they caught the wind of it and they couldn't help but to eavesdrop.

They weren't the only surprised though, (y/n) was pretty startled herself and somehow anxious...

Shoyo gestured for her to sit beside him in the wooden porch of the school's training division and gave her a reassuring smile, trying to settle the girl down.

That seemed to work, since the girl sat beside him, without any more fear and little less worried.

It wasn't just her relationship with the boys that had improved over time, her relationship with Shoyo had grown as well and he was now very important for her too. She even accepted him as her teacher like everybody else (not that she would ever admit it out loud though).

"(L/n)-chan, can I ask you a question?" - Shoyo spoke with his always so calm voice.

"Uh.., s-sure!" - the girl replied, still concerned.

"Do you not like being here?" - he asked, quite directly.

"What? No! Of course not! " - she stated.

"Then do you not like me? Or Gintoki? Or Kotarou? Or anyone here?" - he kept on insisting.

"No!"-she replied within any excitation.

"How about Takasugi? Do you hate him?" - the long haired man asked once more.

"NO! I-I could never hate him!" - she stated, this time with flushed cheeks.

In their hiding spot, Katsura and Gintoki both looked at Takasugi, whose cheeks were fifty shades of red as well.

Shoyo giggled at her response, flustering the girl even further. What were all of those questions for anyway?

"Then do you not like practicing the art of the sword? Or maybe you just don't like our school?" - he continued.

"No! That's not true! I really like this place..." - she finally admitted.

"I see... That's good! " - Shoyo simply said and without any warning started laughing.

(Y/n) just gave him an perplexed look, like he was some kind of mad man. She was absolutely lost now. Just where was this conversation going?

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