Chapter 8

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We head inside my room and I toss my bag on the floor and Zayn does the same with his.

Questions from Saturday are still in my mind... I want to ask him all of these questions but to afraid to... I mean I asked Louis about a stupid phone call and he snapped on me... what if i asked Zayn something and he takes it the wrong way.. I mean i barely know him... but then again i did kiss him so... ugh my life is so confusing right now.

"Kim... are you okay, is there something on your mind?" Zayn grabs my hand.

"Well yeah... its about you."

"Ask me anything, I promise to give you a honest answer" he gives me a reassuring smile.

"I wanted to know why you came to Toronto for university?" I pick at my nails embarrassed at the question.

"Thats not a bad question, I came to Toronto because my mom moved there after the devorse with my dad, she wanted to start a new life. We occasionally come back to Bradford to visit family or for vacations but thats about it. When I lived in Bradford, we would come here all the time with my sister on little trips, I missed that place so thats why I came on the art trip with Ms...ah....Conner's.

"Oh thats right your an English major." I snap my fingers.

"Yea my mom payed the schools minister for me to go... so thats why im here, is there anymore questions you would like to ask me babe cause i'm kinda hungry."

I did have more questions but I guess one is good for now, and besides Im hungry to.

"Nope, no more questions, im sorta hungry too." I say and rub my stomach.

"Wanna grab something with me, I know this little bakery just walking distance from here, its really really good!"

"Um I dont think thats a good idea, I mean what if Alexia catches us...she nearly caught us last time and you know perfectly well what happened that time." I say, that night I just wanted to disappear.

"Alexia and Rose took a bus to London, they wont be back for hours."

I sigh and give a quick nod, "should i bring anything?"

"Just your pretty face" He says and rubs my cheek with his thumb.

We exit the hotel room and we walk for about 10 minutes.

"Well here it is Kimberly" Zayn says and holds his arm out into the air directing it to the small but nice building, I read the tile on the door, its called Midnight Memories. What an odd name for a bakery but strangely, i like it.

We walk inside and see a small table by the window.

"Take a seat love, I will be right back. I need to go use the lou." Zayn says and leaves.

I take my phone out of my sweater and turn it on. I see a message pop up and it reads Louis. Now is not a good time for Louis to be texting me because im still mad at him for yelling at me.

I lock my phone and I put it back in my pocket, I'm not gonna worry about this right now, I'm not gonna let my self have a bad time.

"May I take your order?" a strange male voice, with a thick British accent asks and I turn my head to face him.

I turn to see a guy, a cute guy, wait no, a hot guy. He had a curly dark chocolate brown hair, emerald green eyes and his smile, oh his smile and are those dimples I see?

"Erm... love did you hear me okay?" He says pulling back his mop of curls...

" no sorry"

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